Civil administrative procuratorate
[Service guarantee private economy] Xuancheng
Time: April 15, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Xuancheng Procuratorate:

Actively build "Pro and clear" inspection enterprise relationship


In order to further implement the spirit of the Xuancheng Conference on Promoting the Development of Private Economy and improve the targeted effectiveness of the city's procuratorial organs in serving enterprises and entrepreneurs, the Xuancheng Procuratorate has deployed "Visit enterprises   Interview entrepreneurs ”Activities. During the activity, Xuancheng Municipal two level procuratorates forty-seven Leading cadres, in the form of door-to-door visits seven Visiting enterprises in counties, cities and districts two hundred and forty Family, entrepreneur two hundred and forty-one First name. Presenting relevant legal books to entrepreneurs, and compiling documents of procuratorial organs serving enterprises and entrepreneurs one thousand More than one volume, distributed questionnaires two hundred and forty-one Copies, providing legal publicity services one hundred More than times, collect and sort out various opinions and suggestions twenty-eight Article.

Through the visit, the procuratorial organ listened to the actual legal needs of enterprises and entrepreneurs face to face, and found a way to further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of procuratorial services and ensure the high-quality economic development of Xuancheng. At the same time, the procuratorial organ also focused on entrepreneurs with the status of NPC deputies and CPPCC members, and visited NPC deputies and CPPCC members at all levels one hundred and eight , accounting for the total number of entrepreneurs interviewed 44.85% It has changed the contact way of holding symposiums and unannounced visits, minimized the impact on the work of entrepreneurs, enriched the contact form of the procuratorial organ with representatives and members, conveyed the judicial care of the procuratorial organ for enterprises and entrepreneurs, enriched the contact form of the procuratorial organ with representatives and members, and promoted the timely reflection of legal issues The procuratorial organ responds quickly to the benign interaction mechanism.

It is worth mentioning that in order to thoroughly implement the Opinions of the Procuratorate of Anhui Province on Protecting the Legal Rights and Interests of Entrepreneurs in accordance with the Law and Creating a Good Environment for the Healthy Growth of Entrepreneurs, and further improve the targeted effectiveness of the procuratorate in serving enterprises and entrepreneurs, Xuancheng Procuratorate three month twenty-five The "Implementation Opinions of Xuancheng Procuratorate on Deepening the Contact with Enterprises and Entrepreneurs to Serve the Healthy Development of Private Economy" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions") was launched at sunrise to further deepen the contact with enterprises and entrepreneurs and actively build "Pro and clear" relationship between inspection and enterprises. The Opinions require that the procuratorial organ of Xuancheng City should integrate the procuratorial work into the overall development of the whole city by deepening the contact with enterprise entrepreneurs, plan and promote the procuratorial work, and put the idea of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and entrepreneurs according to law through all aspects of the procuratorial work, so as to provide enterprises and entrepreneurs with more high-quality and efficient procuratorial products. We will conscientiously, practically and carefully deepen the work of connecting with enterprises and entrepreneurs, strengthen the organization, leadership and overall coordination of deepening the work of connecting with enterprises and entrepreneurs, and better serve and ensure the healthy development of Xuancheng's private economy.