Civil administrative procuratorate
The pungent lampblack disappears
Time: September 20, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

(The Yellow River is particularly easy) "Now we can sleep safely every day, and the pungent lampblack can no longer be heard." A few days ago, Liu Qiang (a pseudonym), a resident of a community in Hefei Economic Development Zone, Anhui Province, received a return call from the civil administration department prosecutor of the Shushan District Procuratorate, and said excitedly.

On the first floor of the residential area where Liu Qiang lives, there are many catering operators who discharge lampblack for a long time and transmit the lampblack to the roof platform on the second floor through pipelines; Among them, some business households have not installed oil fume purification facilities, while some business households have installed purification facilities, but they do not use them normally, and the oil fume is discharged at will. During business hours, lampblack directly pours into Liu Qiang's home on the second floor. Not only that, the noise of the range hood has been ringing until late at night, seriously affecting the rest of surrounding residents. Liu Qiang's home is the nearest to the range hood, suffering a lot from it.

The negotiation with the merchants failed many times, and the complaints to the relevant departments were not heard back. Liu Qiang was very depressed. One day, he learned from the newspaper that the procuratorial organ can supervise the administrative organ to perform its duties on environmental pollution. With the attitude of trying, he complained to the Procuratorate of Shushan District.

After receiving the complaint, the procurator of the Civil and Commercial Administration Division went to the scene to take video photos of the oil smoke pollution and collect evidence. The undertaker believes that the supervision and administration organ shall investigate and deal with the food and beverage operators who fail to take oil smoke purification measures according to law and produce pollutants such as oil smoke, odor and waste gas. On July 25 of this year, according to relevant laws, the court issued a pre litigation procuratorial proposal for administrative public interest litigation to Hefei Economic Development Zone Environmental Protection Branch, urging it to take measures to deal with catering operators.

After receiving the inspection suggestions, the Environmental Protection Branch of the Development Zone attached great importance to them, immediately arranged staff to investigate and verify on the spot, and formulated a special remediation plan. After rectification, the outdoor barbecue was completely stopped; All operating households have installed an integrated lampblack purifier, and the lampblack is collected and treated before being discharged to the outside of the community; The soot and noise detection are up to standard. The Environmental Protection Branch replied to the Shushan District People's Procuratorate on August 30, saying that "the emission concentration of lampblack from three operators is up to standard".

Source: Procuratorial Daily