Civil administrative procuratorate
The seven year overdue land transfer fees have been recovered in place
Time: June 15, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

(Reporter Wu Yihuo, correspondent Fang Tong) Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Yu'an District, Lu'an City, Anhui Province received a reply from the Land and Resources Bureau of Yu'an District, saying that the land transfer fees of 45.24 million yuan, which were owed by the two real estate companies for 7 years and 4 years respectively, had been fully recovered. So far, the case of arrears of land transfer fees, which was supervised by the Yu'an District Procuratorate in accordance with the pre litigation procedure of administrative public interest litigation, has been successfully settled.

It is understood that the People's Procuratorate of Yu'an District found that Lu'an Baijian Real Estate Co., Ltd. and Yumin Real Estate Co., Ltd. had been in arrears with the state-owned land transfer fees for a long time and the amount was very large through performance of their duties, so they intervened in the investigation according to law and quickly found out that on May 13, 2011, Lu'an Baijian Real Estate Co., Ltd, Win the use right of two state-owned construction land in Xuji, Yu'an District, with the transaction price of 74.4 million yuan and 60.3 million yuan respectively, totaling 134.7 million yuan. According to the contract, the company should pay all the land transfer fees before June 26, 2011. However, after the transaction, the company only paid 94.96 million yuan of transfer fees, and still owed 39.74 million yuan.

It's a coincidence. On November 19, 2013, Lu'an Yumin Real Estate Co., Ltd. won the use right of a state-owned construction land in Yu'an District through public transfer, and the transaction price of this land was 23.3 million yuan. According to the contract, the company should pay all the fees before December 26, 2013, but only 17.8 million yuan of transfer fee was paid after the transaction, and 5.5 million yuan was still owed. Until the procuratorial organ found this problem, the above two real estate companies had not paid the land transfer fees.

In April of this year, the Yu'an District Procuratorate issued three pre litigation procuratorial recommendations to the Land and Resources Bureau of Yu'an District respectively according to the arrears of the two real estate limited companies after the transfer of three plots, requiring them to take active and effective measures to recover all the land transfer fees owed by the two real estate limited companies. After receiving the procuratorial suggestions, the Land and Resources Bureau of Yu'an District took active action and tried every means to recover all the overdue transfer fees of 45.24 million yuan.

It is also understood that since 2016, the Yu'an District Procuratorate has recovered 92.74 million yuan of land transfer fees by issuing procuratorial recommendations, effectively preventing the loss of state-owned assets.