Civil administrative procuratorate
Recovering hard-earned money for 47 migrant workers
Time: April 26, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the Ningguo Procuratorate of Anhui Province welcomed two special parties, who are employees of Anhui Huiyun Plastic Wood Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Plastic Wood Company"), to send the banner of "legal supervision, justice maintenance, prosecution and protection of people's livelihood" to the procuratorate, and thanked the Ningguo Procuratorate for upholding justice for migrant workers in the civil trial and implementation phase, Recovered hard-earned money for 47 migrant workers.

   Recovering hard-earned money for 47 migrant workers  


47 migrant workers have been working in the plastic wood company. As of August 2017, the company owed a total of 958454 yuan of migrant workers' labor remuneration. After many requests, Anhui Silk Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Silk Company") issued salary IOUs for 47 migrant workers, but since then repeatedly refused to pay.


Why is the IOU of Plastic Wood Co., Ltd. issued by the Silk Company?

The litigation supervision department of Ningguo Procuratorate went to the industry and commerce department to check the relationship between the Plastic Wood Company and the Silk Company. After investigation, although the two companies are two legal persons, the Silk Company actually has no business behavior, mainly the registered owners of land and factory buildings. The production and operation of the two companies are mostly plastic wood companies, and the two companies are financially confused. After reviewing the whole case, it was found that the Silk Company should bear joint and several liability according to law, which met the legal standard of supporting litigation.

After accepting the case, the court submitted 47 supporting lawsuits to the court in the shortest time, and submitted to the court the plaintiff's identity information materials, wage arrears, inquiry records, the defendant's inquiry records, the company's industrial and commercial registration information, the wage arrears form obtained from the company and other relevant evidence materials. In the end, the court settled all the 47 cases supporting migrant workers through mediation, and the defendant agreed to pay the plaintiff a lump sum of 958454 yuan.

In recent years, the Ningguo Procuratorate has attached great importance to people's livelihood, and has taken many measures in the process of legal supervision to quickly resolve conflicts and disputes, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers, and maintain social harmony and stability.


   Attach great importance to

With the release of the Supreme People's Procuratorate's Notice on Giving Full Play to the Civil Administrative Procuratorial and Supervisory Functions to Assist in Solving the Problem of Peasant Workers' Wage Claim, Ningguo Municipal Procuratorate responded quickly and attached great importance to cases involving people's livelihood, especially those involving migrant workers' wages.

   Set up a green channel

Priority shall be given to filing, scheduling and handling of cases involving migrant workers' recovery of labor fees.

   Strengthening legal supervision

Through the supervision of the court's implementation, we can follow up the court's implementation progress in a timely manner after the court's judgment or mediation, so that the case can be concluded.