Civil administrative procuratorate
Xuancheng Xuanzhou: the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress investigates the civil administrative procuratorial work
Time: June 26, 2017 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

The Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xuanzhou District, Xuancheng City, Anhui Province recently investigated the civil and administrative procuratorial work of the procuratorate in the district. After listening to the report on the basic situation of the procuratorial work of the civil administration department and the development of the public interest litigation pilot work of the procuratorate in the past three years, the research team put forward opinions and suggestions on how to expand the channels of civil administration procuratorial cases, strengthen public interest litigation, and do a good job in the publicity of civil administration procuratorial work. (Zhang Zhiyong and Ding Nengbao)