Civil administrative procuratorate
Woyang: Compiled and printed the Publicity Manual of People's Livelihood and Law - Civil and Administrative Prosecutors
Time: August 17, 2015 Author: Sun Xiaodong Xu Xiangmei News source: Procuratorial Daily [Font size: large | in | Small

The People's Procuratorate of Guoyang County, Anhui Province has recently compiled and printed the People's Livelihood and Law - Civil and Administrative Procuratorial Brochure. The manual publicizes the functions and methods of civil administrative procuratorial supervision, answers to questions about civil administrative procuratorial supervision, and the rights of applicants for civil administrative procuratorial supervision in the form of cartoons. The purpose is to let the masses understand the procuratorial work of the People's Bank of China, and unblock the channels for the masses to appeal and safeguard their rights. (Sun Xiaodong, Xu Xiangmei)