Civil administrative procuratorate
Fuyang Municipal People's Court held a hearing on the case of Fuyang Petroleum Company
Time: April 21, 2014 Author: News source: Provincial People's Bank Office [Font size: large | in | Small
   Recently, the Fuyang Procuratorate held a hearing on the case of Fuyang Oil Company in the conference room on the sixth floor. The hearing was presided over by Jiang Xing, the director of civil administration of the People's Bank of China, and invited Xu Tao and Wan Xiaoping, deputies to the National People's Congress, Wang Dongsheng, members of the CPPCC, Lv Cunxin and Liu Su, supervisors of law enforcement and discipline enforcement, attended the meeting, Fuyang Petroleum Company one hundred and ninety Dispatched by employees thirteen Representatives attended the hearing

   Fuyang Petroleum Company one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven It was transformed into Fuyang Petroleum Co., Ltd. in, with net assets one hundred and twenty-nine Ten thousand yuan was used as the share capital of the company after the restructuring, but the liquidation of the original company has not been completed, and the employees have not been resettled. Wang Yunhai et al one hundred and ninety Employees have been appealing for living expenses, social insurance premiums, etc. The court decided to hold this hearing in order to fully understand the true situation of the case and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. The hearing centered on the focus of the case, and fully listened to the statements and arguments of both parties on the nature of the original oil company's restructuring, whether the dispute occurred in the process of performing the labor contract, and the post and shareholding of employees after the restructuring. After the hearing, we listened to the opinions and suggestions of the participants from all walks of life and conducted a preliminary collegial discussion on the case.

   Through public hearings and other sunshine procuratorial acts, we constantly respond, guide and meet the new expectations and new requirements of the people, meet the public's right to know, dispel doubts and doubts for the people, and increase the transparency of procuratorial work, which not only shapes an open, equal, respectful, inclusive, and communicating way of people's procuratorial work, but also reflects the procuratorial organs' practice of carrying out the party's mass line education Be pragmatic for the people Requirements.