Civil administrative procuratorate
Prosecutors help recover compensation for work-related injuries
Time: April 8, 2014 Author: Xia Lei News source: Xin'an Evening News - Procuratorial Light [Font size: large | in | Small


"I can't believe that the prosecutor can help me recover the arrears that have not been solved for many years so quickly. How can I thank you!" On March 12, Wang Xiangkun, who is over sixty, tightly grasped the prosecutor's hand and said excitedly.

Wang Xiangkun used to be a sand cleaner in a casting company in Ma'anshan City. During an operation in May 2011, his right finger was crushed by the crane chain and injured, resulting in amputation of the right middle finger. It was identified as Grade 10 disability. Wang Xiangkun filed a lawsuit to the court to demand the foundry company to compensate for the losses, and the court ruled that the foundry company should compensate more than 38000 yuan for economic losses. As of February this year, the court has executed a total of 23000 yuan of compensation, and more than 15000 yuan has not been fully executed.

At the beginning of March this year, Wang Xiangkun called the Yushan District Procuratorate of Ma'anshan City for help with the psychology of trying. After receiving Wang Xiangkun's call for help, the procurator of the People's Bank of China of the procuratorate patiently and carefully answered his questions and took the initiative to handle the case acceptance procedures for him. Wang Xiangkun is 65 years old. He has poor eyesight and low educational level. The complaint materials provided are incomplete. If he asked a lawyer to write on his behalf, it would be both time and money consuming. After obtaining the consent of Wang Xiangkun, the prosecutor is obliged to write the appeal application for him and read it to him sentence by sentence. After repeatedly confirming that it is correct, the prosecutor copies other appeal materials for him free of charge and handles the relevant procedures for case acceptance in a timely manner. After the review of the case, the prosecutor who handled the case actively and jointly urged the court to implement the compensation. Within half a month, the prosecutor handed the compensation to Wang Xiangkun.