Civil administrative procuratorate
Thorough investigation, careful examination and patient prosecution
Time: December 16, 2013 Author: Fan Ying News source: Xin'an Evening News - Procuratorial Light [Font size: large | in | Small

In handling civil appeal cases, the Civil Administration Department of the Procuratorate of Jiujiang District, Wuhu City strictly implemented the investigation and verification power system of the procuratorial organ stipulated in the New Civil Procedure Law, insisted on strict investigation and careful trial of cases, patiently stopped prosecution, and achieved good legal and social effects.

A few days ago, the court accepted the appeal of the land expropriation compensation dispute of Wei. When examining the case, the case undertaker found that although the complainant provided many evidences, most of them were photocopies, and their authenticity could not be determined. For this reason, the case handlers took the initiative to investigate and collect evidence in the community and obtained evidence about the land, houses and household registration of the case. During the investigation, the case handlers found that the name of the agricultural tax payment certificate in the evidence submitted by Wei had been altered, and the agricultural tax payment certificate was a powerful evidence to prove that he owned land. The case handlers timely fixed the evidence of Wei's alteration of the agricultural tax payment certificate, and mastered the fact that Wei altered others' agricultural tax payment certificate into his own name. After examination, the court considered that the child of Mr. Wei did not have the membership of a collective economic organization and did not have the right to participate in land expropriation compensation fees, so the case did not meet the conditions for retrial as stipulated in Article 200 of the Civil Procedure Law, so it made the Decision on Not Supporting the Supervision Application. In the work of settling the lawsuit, Mr. Wei was excited and obstinate after hearing the Decision. The case handlers repeatedly explained the law and reasoned out his emotions, but he still said he would continue to petition. Finally, when the investigators took out the evidence of the agricultural tax payment certificate that had been fixed on the case and altered by them, Wei was speechless. At the same time, the investigators explained to Mr. Wei the interests and legal consequences of altering evidence, and put forward serious criticism and education to him. Mr. Wei finally realized the seriousness of the problem, accepted criticism and education, and ensured that he would not appeal again.