Civil administrative procuratorate
Mediate the dispute over the modern version of "Liuchi Lane"
Time: December 13, 2013 Author: Wang Lishen News source: Xin'an Evening News - Procuratorial Light [Font size: large | in | Small

At 4:00 p.m. on November 13, after finishing the work at hand, Zhao Zongyue, the head of the Civil Administration Section of the Jingxian Procuratorate, hurried to Maan Village, Qinxi Town, Jingxian County to mediate a civil dispute.

Things were not complicated. Wang Qiang, a villager in Maan Village, wanted to rebuild his kitchen, which was about to collapse. But because his neighbor Yang Gang built a courtyard wall at the door of his house, the original road became only 1 meter wide, and Wang Qiang's agricultural tractor transporting building materials could not pass. Wang Qiang wants Yang Gang to demolish the courtyard walls and retract some of them for reconstruction, but the Yang family refuses. After the Maan Village Committee, Qinxi Town Government and the Town Land Office all coordinated, the Yang family refused. Wang Qiang filed a lawsuit with the Jingxian County Court to remove the impediment, and the Jingxian County Court mediated without success. The contradiction between Wang and Yang has been escalating. To this end, Wang Qiang appealed to the Civil Administration Department of the Jingxian County Procuratorate. After learning about the situation, Zhao Zongyue believed that if Wang Qiang appealed to the procuratorial organ for procuratorial supervision, he should wait until the case was judged by the court, and then Wang Qiang could not accept the judgment. In this way, the dispute could not be effectively resolved at the moment. In order to better resolve the conflict, Chief Zhao decided to intervene in the case for mediation. Then there was the opening scene. Zhao Zongyue contacted the staff of the county's judicial bureau, petition bureau, court and other units, as well as the lawyers representing Wang and Yang in the case, and obtained support to go to the village for on-site mediation.

Zhao Zongyue first went to Wang Qiang's house to check the kitchen and the roads in and out, confirmed what Wang Qiang said, and then went to Yang Gang's house to learn about the situation. Yang Gang's wife told Zhao Zongyue that the courtyard wall was built on the homestead of the old house, and did not occupy the road of Wang Qiang's house, and was very angry at Wang Qiang's reporting to Qinxi Town Land Office and suing to the Jingxian County Court. Zhao Zongyue confirmed Yang Gang's wife's statement after on-site inspection and visit. Starting from the actual difficulties of Wang Qiang's family, the harmony between the two neighbors, and the maintenance of social stability, he proposed that the Yang family should move the courtyard wall into the courtyard, and the Wang Qiang family should be responsible for the demolition and reconstruction of the courtyard wall. At the same time, he gave the Yang Gang family a certain economic compensation plan. After Zhao Zongyue's patient and meticulous work and reasonable mediation, the Yang family agreed to move the courtyard walls to the courtyard. However, the two sides disagreed on how far the courtyard wall should be moved in, and the mediation reached an impasse for a while. Zhao Zongyue took the middle number of these two opinions into consideration, measured the road width with a tape measure, drew the specific position of the hospital wall after being moved in, asked the two sides to visually see the status of the hospital wall after being moved in, and finally determined the acceptable distance of the hospital wall for both sides.

After a fair and careful work, Wang Qiang and Yang Gang finally agreed on the amount of economic compensation. With the witness of the staff of each unit and the lawyers of both parties, they reached an agreement on mediation and shook hands. Wang Qiang subsequently withdrew the lawsuit and sent a banner to the Civil Administration Section of the Court that "civil and administrative procurators solve people's worries, resolve conflicts and promote harmony".