Civil administrative procuratorate
Exchange work experience and discuss the development of the People's Bank of China
Time: December 4, 2013 Author: Wang Jingjing News source: Provincial People's Bank Office [Font size: large | in | Small
   eleven month twenty-eight day -29 On the morning of the th, a symposium on civil and administrative procuratorial work at the grass-roots level of the provincial procuratorial organs was held in Taihu County. Li Weidong, Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, attended the meeting and made an important speech. Li Jun, Procurator General of Anqing Municipal People's Court, Ying Miaojie, Secretary of the Taihu County Party Committee, attended the meeting. The directors of civil administration of municipal people's courts, heads of civil administration sections of local people's courts, and key procurators of civil administration attended the meeting.

   At the meeting, Fuyang Municipal People's Court and ten county (district) courts made exchange speeches on the exploration, experience, practice and existing problems of civil and administrative procuratorial work in various regions since the implementation of the revised Civil Procedure Law. twenty Four outstanding authors made keynote speeches on the opportunities and challenges brought by the revised Civil Procedure Law to the civil and administrative procuratorial work, the exercise of new powers, and the implementation of the newly established system. At the same time, all the participants also discussed zero The main points of civil administrative procuratorial work in the province in 2014 (discussion draft), the current situation and existing problems of the grass-roots civil procuratorial work, measures and methods to strengthen and improve the grass-roots civil administrative procuratorial work, the direction of the next stage of civil administrative procuratorial work, and the main measures and key points of communication and coordination with the people's court were discussed.

   Finally, Li Weidong, Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, made an important speech. He fully affirmed the spirit of innovation, initiative and actively meeting new changes and challenges of the provincial civil administration procuratorial departments, especially the grass-roots civil administration procuratorial departments, since the implementation of the new Civil Procedure Law, and put forward clear requirements for the next step of the provincial civil administration procuratorial work and theoretical research.

   At the meeting, the advanced collectives and individuals in the special activity of concentrating on clearing up the backlog of civil and administrative procuratorial supervision cases, and the "Top Ten Case Handlers", "Excellent Case Handlers" and "Case Handlers" of the second civil and administrative procuratorial organ of the province were commended, and medals and certificates were awarded.