Civil administrative procuratorate
The successful administrative protest is praised by the masses
Time: September 2, 2013 Author: Zhu Guangmei News source: Xin'an Evening News - Procuratorial Light [Font size: large | in | Small

On August 19, Li Zheng, the party concerned, sent a banner to the People's Office of the Provincial People's Procuratorate with the sound of firecrackers at the door of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, on which he wrote in gilded characters "Support the people to sue the officials, the positive energy of law". Li Zheng repeatedly said, "Thank you to the Procuratorate and the People's Bank of China.".

On September 3, 1995, Li Zheng purchased a state-owned land use right and obtained a state-owned land use certificate. On April 28, 2006, Funan County Government invalidated the land certificate held by Li Zheng. Li Zheng filed an administrative lawsuit, requesting a decree to revoke the administrative act made by Funan County Government. After two first trials and two second trials, the judicial organ decided that Li Zheng lost the case. Li Zheng appealed to the procuratorial organ. In November 2009, the provincial procuratorate lodged a protest, and the case was sent back to the original court for retrial. However, the original judgment was still upheld after the trial by the original court. In 2011, the Provincial People's Procuratorate lodged a protest again, and the Provincial High Court held that the reason for the protest by the procuratorial organ was valid. After discussion and decision by the Judicial Committee, the judgment supported Li Zheng's claim. The successful protest of the case has safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and interpreted the concept of "people's procuratorate for the people".