Civil administrative procuratorate
The results of the second provincial civil and administrative procuratorial supervision boutique (excellent) case selection were announced
Time: June 25, 2013 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the Civil Administrative Procuratorate of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province issued the Notification on the Results of the Second "Excellent Cases of Civil Administrative Procuratorial Supervision" of the Provincial Procuratorate, and announced the results of the second "Excellent Cases of Civil Administrative Procuratorial Supervision", Six cases, including Hefei Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. v. Zhang Qiaoying, were selected by the Hefei Procuratorate as outstanding cases, and 15 cases, including Huang Xueqin v. Anhui Xinrui Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., were selected as outstanding cases.

This case selection activity lasted more than half a year, and the selection scope was civil and administrative procuratorial supervision cases handled by civil and administrative procuratorial departments all over the province in the past three years. During the activity, the province submitted a total of 73 cases to participate in the evaluation. After the preliminary review, expert review, review and other links, 21 cases finally won awards.