Public interest litigation
Yijiang, Wuhu: a theme party day tour of "Mother River"
Time: July 6, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   On the occasion of the 99th birthday of the Communist Party of China, it is also a special moment for the 5th anniversary of the start of the public interest litigation pilot program, the 3rd anniversary of the launch of the public interest litigation pilot program, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate to carry out the special supervision activity of "public interest litigation to protect a better life". The Procuratorate of Yijiang District, Wuhu City, together with Wuhu Transportation Bureau and Yijiang District Fire Rescue Brigade A different theme party day activity was carried out by means of observing the effect, which baptized the thought of all party members and police officers and sublimated their spirit.  

   Telling a fresh scene party lesson  

   On the afternoon of June 30, after the theoretical party lesson, Chen Bangfeng, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chief procurator of the People's Procuratorate of Yijiang District, together with the leading comrades of Wuhu Traffic and Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment and Yijiang District Fire Rescue Brigade, led the party members and policemen from all departments to step on the law enforcement boat patrolling the "mother river" of the Yangtze River in the flood season, and solemnly reviewed the oath of joining the Party in the face of the party flag, Sincerely present the birthday of the Party.  

   Time is the most objective recorder, and the people are the best witnesses. Since July 2015, the public interest litigation has gone through an extraordinary path from top-level design to practical implementation, from pilot development to comprehensive promotion, from "4+1" law clearly empowering areas to "waiting" exploration. At the bank of Shilijiangwan Park, the public interest litigation prosecutor, together with the newly recruited procuratorial police and law enforcement personnel of various departments, reviewed the procuratorial organs and administrative law enforcement departments over the past five years, actively implemented the ecological civilization construction thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping that "the Yangtze River should not engage in large-scale development, but should focus on large-scale protection", and coordinated to protect the public interest and protect the mother river.  

   Carry out an in-depth exchange of shared responsibilities  

   The procuratorial work of public interest litigation is a "lofty political responsibility, sacred legal responsibility, beautiful public service mission, and innovative procuratorial function". The administrative law enforcement department is a front-line soldier guarding the public interest. On the law enforcement boats patrolling the "mother river" of the Yangtze River, all departments shared responsibilities and in-depth exchanges around public welfare issues such as water traffic safety and the protection of the Yangtze River shoreline. The on-site procuratorial organ introduced the specific responsibilities and working methods of the "4+1" and "substandard" areas of public interest litigation and the supervision concept of "win-win, multi win, and win-win". The traffic law enforcement and fire rescue departments also introduced their respective work responsibilities and issues related to the performance of public welfare protection law enforcement. After in-depth exchanges, the parties reached consensus on some important aspects.  

   Form a cooperation mechanism to protect the "mother river"  

   Facing the surging river water in the flood season, the law enforcement boat went upstream from Qingyi River to Yangtze River (Yijiang section) to Zhanghe River to carry out the protection of ecological environment resources along the Yangtze River shoreline and the patrol of water traffic safety in the flood season. The procuratorial organ and the traffic law enforcement department have traced the source, carefully analyzed, reached a consensus and formed a cooperation mechanism on the issue of severely cracking down on the illegal mining of river sand, ship pollution discharge, illegal docks and other ecological environmental resources protection and water traffic safety. It is clear that they exercise their respective legal supervision and administrative enforcement powers in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, adhere to the concept of "support in supervision and supervision in support", adhere to their respective duties and cooperate with each other, form a joint force to crack down on illegal acts that damage ecological environment resources and endanger traffic safety, and lay the foundation for the next special action to protect "Mother River".