Public interest litigation
Anhui Buried Hill: Joint law enforcement makes "procuratorial blue" keep "ecological green"
Time: April 30, 2020 Author: Yu Tongde Wang Lei News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   We will implement the new requirements for ecological environment protection and governance of "forest chief+procurator general", establish cooperation mechanisms such as joint inspection and information sharing, and promote "procuratorial blue" to protect "ecological green". Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Qianshan City, together with the Office of the Director of Forestry of Qianshan City, went to some towns and villages in the city to carry out joint inspections on five locations where forestry resources were damaged.  

   The joint inspection team has a detailed understanding of the causes and consequences of the destruction of forestry resources and the performance of the competent authorities everywhere they go. During the on-site inspection, the relevant responsible comrades of Qianshan Municipal People's Government pointed out that in order to promote the reform of the forest leader system, the city has implemented the cooperation mechanism of "forest leader+chief procurator". The member units of the forest leader system meeting should work closely with the procuratorial organ, and resolutely put an end to such acts as neglecting to perform their duties or illegally exercising their powers.  

   It is understood that on April 24 this year, the procurator studio of the Qianshan People's Procuratorate's Office in the city's forest director office was inaugurated. With the support of the Qianshan Municipal Party Committee and the Qianshan Municipal Government, the municipal procuratorate actively consulted with the municipal forestry department and countersigned documents, and established cooperative mechanisms such as joint inspection, information sharing, case consultation, clue transfer, joint meetings, professional training, law popularization and publicity.