Public interest litigation
Huangshan, Anhui: the first "River Chief+Procurator General" cooperation opinion was issued
Time: April 27, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the Procuratorate of Tunxi District of Huangshan City and the River Chief System Office of Tunxi District jointly issued the city's first Opinions on the Implementation of Cooperative Promotion of the River Chief System (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions), established the "River Chief+Procurator General" model of river governance according to law, and innovated the cooperation and linkage between procuratorial organs and administrative organs in the Xin'an River basin (Tunxi section) and other river regions for ecological environment protection and governance.

 Huangshan, Anhui: the first "River Chief+Procurator General" cooperation opinion was issued

On April 15, the Procuratorate of Tunxi District and the Water Resources Bureau of Tunxi District held a discussion and exchange on the joint issuance of the Implementation Opinions on Promoting the River Chief System through Cooperation.

The Opinions defined the principles of division of labor and cooperation, procuratorial supervision, comprehensive improvement, and public welfare protection, and defined the work contents of the procuratorial organs and the river director system office in strengthening joint cooperation, carrying out special activities, promoting ecological restoration, strengthening the supervision of compensation recovery, and popularizing the law.

The Opinions clearly stipulated the establishment of a joint meeting system and actively improved the mechanism of "convergence of the two laws". The procuratorial organ and the river director's office set up a supervision and cooperation working group, held regular joint meetings, communicated and exchanged information, and jointly studied the key and difficult issues in water resources management and protection. At the same time, we will improve the mechanism for information sharing, clue transfer, consultation of major cases, joint law enforcement, and notification of administrative investigation cases, strengthen horizontal coordination, and work together to solve the problems of cross sectoral management, cross basin pollution attack, and governance.

 Huangshan, Anhui: the first "River Chief+Procurator General" cooperation opinion was issued

On April 20, Sun Guorong, deputy head of Tunxi District and district level river Changjiang Rong, a member of the Party Leadership Group of Tunxi District Procuratorate, went to the Tunxi section of Xin'an River to conduct a joint river patrol, and carried out preliminary preparations and field research for the issuance of the Opinions.

The Opinion requires improving the procuratorial supervision procedures and establishing the mechanism of "River Chief+Procurator General". Establish a standing book for procuratorial organs to participate in the protection of river and reservoir ecological resources, improve the mechanism for public interest litigation, supervision of administrative violations and transfer of criminal cases' clues, establish and improve the integrated handling mode of river and water related criminal cases and water resources protection mechanisms such as clue discovery, investigation and evidence collection, supervision of duty performance, and public interest litigation, Open a green channel for complaint, report, appeal acceptance and circulation of river and water related cases. At the same time, procurators (prosecutors) were sent to six district level river management and protection schools in the region, forming a mechanism of "river chief+procurator general" for joint river patrol, front-line supervision and immediate handling.

 Huangshan, Anhui: the first "River Chief+Procurator General" cooperation opinion was issued

   Xin'an River with smooth river, clear water, green bank, beautiful scenery and harmonious people  

 Huangshan, Anhui: the first "River Chief+Procurator General" cooperation opinion was issued

   Xin'an River with smooth river, clear water, green bank, beautiful scenery and harmonious people  

 Huangshan, Anhui: the first "River Chief+Procurator General" cooperation opinion was issued

   Xin'an River with smooth river, clear water, green bank, beautiful scenery and harmonious people  

The relevant person in charge said that, in the next step, Tunxi District Procuratorate will fully strengthen the procuratorial supervision function, promote the implementation of water resources management and water pollution prevention responsibilities, further strengthen the joint force of safeguarding public welfare, and provide procuratorial guarantee for accelerating the construction of Xin'an River, which is characterized by "smooth river, clean water, green bank, beautiful scenery, and harmonious people".