Public interest litigation
Chuzhou Procurator: "River Chief+Procurator General" two leaders make efforts to promote river and lake governance
Time: April 14, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
   The procurator workstation of Chuzhou Procuratorate in Chuzhou River Chief Office was officially launched

   On April 9, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province officially issued the "Key Points for Comprehensively Implementing the River Lake Chief System in 2020", and the working mechanism of "River Chief+Procurator General" jointly initiated by Chuzhou Procuratorate and Chuzhou River Chief Office was further defined in this key point. The local responsible person believes that, The efforts of the "River Chief+Procurator General" will provide a strong judicial guarantee for the realization of Chuzhou's "clean water, green bank, smooth river and beautiful scenery".  

On April 7 before that, as the first procurator workstation of the municipal procuratorate in Anhui Province, the procurator workstation of Chuzhou Procuratorate in Chuzhou Procuratorate Office was officially launched, which also marks the establishment of the working mechanism of "River Chief+Procurator General" in Chuzhou. At the same time, the personnel of the public interest litigation procuratorial departments of all county level procuratorates in Chuzhou City were recruited into the procurator workstation to achieve the up and down linkage and comprehensive coverage of river and lake protection within the system.
It is understood that after the establishment of the Procurator Workstation of the Procuratorate Office of Chuzhou Municipal Procuratorate at the two levels It is responsible for receiving reports from the masses, handling various cases in the field of river and lake ecological environment and resources according to law, guiding the investigation and evidence collection of criminal cases that damage the river and lake ecological environment and resources, promoting the application of the platform linking administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, urging relevant administrative organs to perform their duties according to law, and implementing the responsibility system of "whoever enforces the law will popularize the law", The work was also promoted around five tasks: strengthening criminal supervision, deepening administrative supervision, refining implementation supervision, optimizing public interest litigation, and carrying out fixed special actions.

   Chuzhou relies on the working mechanism of "River Chief+Procurator General" established by the Procurator Workstation of the Office of River Chief, Including information sharing, joint meetings, two-way transfer of case clues and joint supervision. After further refining and clarifying the division of responsibilities, the above mechanism will further promote the formation of a river and lake protection order with clear responsibilities, orderly operation, strong law enforcement, harmony and safety of the member units of the river leaders' meeting.  

   The relevant person in charge of Chuzhou Procuratorate said that the procuratorial organ will work closely with the municipal river director office, give full play to their respective functions, immediately start special supervision on the three major drinking water sources and two major rivers in Chuzhou to meet the standards for pollution control, ensure the implementation of the "river director+procurator general" river and lake protection model, and further promote the modernization of local river and lake governance.