Public interest litigation
Xuancheng Procurator: moved the "public interest litigation fast detection room" to the case scene
Time: April 8, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   "An enterprise in Xuancheng secretly discharged sewage through the drainage outlet, which was strongly reflected by the public. After sampling and testing the front drainage outlet of the company, it was found that the concentration of chemical oxygen demand of wastewater exceeded the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard, which seriously polluted the surrounding environment." In response to the investigation, the relevant administrative authorities acted quickly, drawing inferences from one instance to another, and urged the relevant enterprises to carry out rectification.  

   On April 3, the public interest litigation prosecutors and procuratorial technicians of Xuancheng People's Procuratorate came to the scene of the case with a batch of public interest litigation fast detection equipment, and checked the pollution point. If the administrative organ fails to perform its duties properly, is the rectification result qualified? The prosecutor "speaks" with the detection data!  

   With the active cooperation of relevant administrative organs, procuratorial technicians quickly carried out water sample collection, and relied on the equipment of the public interest litigation testing room to test the pH, ammonia nitrogen content, total phosphorus, heavy metal content and other indicators of the collected water samples on the site. At the same time, they compared the test results of standby water samples with the same kind, providing important technical assistance for the case handling department to achieve on-site verification.  

   According to the preliminary inspection on the site, the water samples collected at the outlet all conform to relevant standards. After the initial inspection, the procuratorial technicians carried out "secondary" sampling, and took the collected water samples back to the procuratorate for detection and analysis with more precise instruments.  

   In December 2019, the "public interest litigation fast detection room" of Xuancheng People's Procuratorate was officially built. This time, the equipment of the "public interest litigation fast detection room" was moved to the case site for on-site detection, which is a "practical operation" of Xuancheng People's Procuratorate to serve, support and guarantee the judicial handling of public interest litigation with procuratorial technology.  

   As one of the "four procurators", public interest litigation plays an increasingly important role in the procuratorial organs' active service to ensure the production and life of the masses, participating in promoting the modernization of social governance, and supervising the administrative organs' performance of duties according to law. In particular, the public interest litigation cases of ecological environment resources and food and drug safety are closely related to the lives of the masses, with high social concern and a wide range of influence. However, it is difficult to collect clues, with long detection cycle and high identification costs.  

   The rapid detection laboratory built by the procuratorial organ can quickly detect multiple indicators such as chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, heavy metals, pesticide residues, food additives, etc. in water, gas, soil and food, which helps to achieve effective screening of clues, expand the source space of public interest litigation, improve the initial verification effect of clues, and save identification costs. At the same time, relying on rapid inspection equipment, the remediation of polluted water sources and land was verified, which further helped the public interest litigation work to achieve effectiveness.