Public interest litigation
Fuyang Procurator: carry out special activities to protect the memorial facilities of heroes and martyrs
Time: April 7, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   The police of the public interest litigation department of the procuratorial organ of Fuyang City made field visits to the management and use of the facilities of the Memorial Hall of Heroes and Martyrs such as the Yucai Pavilion Cultural Memorial Hall in Linquan County and the Martyr Zhang Yunhua Cemetery, and searched for clues to the problems in the management and protection of the memorial facilities of heroes and martyrs.  

   The martyr memorial facilities are not only the place where the martyrs sleep, but also an important place to pay tribute to, educate and inherit the red spirit and national integrity. On the eve of the Tomb Sweeping Day, the two procuratorates of Fuyang City, Anhui Province, jointly launched a special activity to protect the memorial facilities of the martyrs.  

   During the activity, the two level procuratorates of Fuyang City conducted a comprehensive survey of the city's martyrs' memorial facilities by consulting the original records, field surveys and visits, and found many problems such as non-standard management of some martyrs' memorial facilities, serious damage to individual facilities, inadequate protection of scattered martyrs' tombs, and lack of publicity for the protection of martyrs' facilities.  

   According to the problems found, Fuyang Procuratorate made unified dispatching, and the city's two level procuratorates issued six procuratorial suggestions to the corresponding functional departments according to their duties and authorities, urged the relevant departments of the territory to actively perform their duties, practically strengthened the protection of the memorial facilities of heroes and martyrs in the area under their jurisdiction, and promptly repaired the damaged facilities. After receiving the procuratorial recommendations, the relevant departments immediately expressed that they would strictly comply with the requirements of the procuratorial recommendations and comprehensively strengthen the protection of the martyr memorial facilities.  

   The relevant person in charge of Fuyang Procuratorate said that the city's procuratorial organ will continue to rely on the procuratorial function of public interest litigation, continue to follow up and supervise, ensure that the procuratorial recommendations take root, and further protect the precious red spiritual heritage on the land of Fuyang.