Public interest litigation
New exploration of public interest litigation | | The ancient tomb of Song Dynasty was found in Changfeng, Anhui, and the procurator's suggestion to strengthen protection was positively responded
Time: July 11, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

seven month three On October 1, two procurators from the Procuratorate of Changfeng County, Anhui Province, made a special trip to the excavation site of an ancient tomb of the Song Dynasty in Puli Community, Xiatang Town, Anhui Province, and erected two pieces of Article 5 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics stipulates that all cultural relics remaining underground, in inland waters and territorial waters within the territory of the People's Republic of China belong to the state Public service billboard. Previously, The procuratorial suggestions made by the court on the protection of this ancient tomb have received positive responses from relevant functional departments The rescue excavation and safety protection of the tomb are currently in progress.

this year four Mid month The procurator of Changfeng County Procuratorate learned during a poverty alleviation visit to the Buli Community in Xiatang Town that an ancient tomb of the Song Dynasty was found on the construction site of the Peishuang Road (north extension of Huainan North Road) project in the community, so he immediately contacted the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Changfeng County, and relevant personnel of the two units rushed to the discovery site of the ancient tomb together for joint on-site investigation. The survey found that the ancient tomb was buried nearly 3 meters underground. Although the coffin has not decayed after thousand years of wind and rain erosion, the cultural relics are complete in shape, but there are potential safety hazards at the site of the ancient tomb, and the water in the ancient tomb is serious. The prosecutor who conducted the survey suggested to the head of the county's Culture and Tourism Bureau to strengthen the protection of cultural relics and rescue the excavation as soon as possible. At the same time, he orally proposed to the units such as Xiatang Town to organize personnel to patrol and watch as soon as possible, and to install technical protection measures to protect the site.

four month twenty-four day In order to further protect the ancient tomb, the Changfeng County Procuratorate Send pre litigation procuratorial suggestions to the County Culture and Tourism Bureau, Xiatang Town Government and Changfeng County Transportation Bureau responsible for construction It is suggested that salvage excavations should be carried out. The expenses needed for archaeological investigation, exploration and excavation of ancient tombs should be included in the construction budget. The relevant units should perform their respective duties and protect the property owned by the state according to law.

After the issuance of procuratorial recommendations Changfeng County Procuratorate Actively coordinate with the County Culture and Tourism Bureau, the County Transportation Administration, the Xiatang Town Party Committee and the government, and quickly report to the Changfeng County Party Committee and the County Government, which has attracted the attention of the main leaders of the Changfeng County Party Committee and the County Government They held coordination meetings and on-site meetings for many times, and allocated special funds for the investigation, exploration, excavation and other work of the ancient tomb. Relevant construction units also suspended road construction at the original address. The Party Committee and the government of Xiatang Town also coordinate with the public security organs, arrange personnel to be on duty 24 hours a day, and install video recording equipment around the ancient tombs to ensure the safety around the ancient tombs.

five month twenty-four day Relevant departments organize experts to lift the coffin of No.1 Ancient Tomb, and Changfeng County Procuratorate conducts on-site supervision After more than 4 hours of excavation, hoisting, placing, packaging and transportation, the three coffins and related cultural relics initially found and excavated were safely transported to the destination. In order to prevent the excavation of Tomb 1 from rain erosion and variation, the Party Committee and Government of Xiatang Town and the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Changfeng County installed frame houses above Tomb 1, and installed isolation equipment for the ancient tombs being excavated.

according to the understanding of A total of cultural relics were found during the opening of the coffin thirty-one Pieces, involving Song Dynasty porcelain, ancient coins, gold jewelry, silver jewelry, wood lacquerware, square bronze mirrors and other cultural relics, have important reference value for the study of Northern Song culture. The Changfeng County Culture and Tourism Bureau organized relevant experts to explore the surrounding area of the ancient tomb, and found that ten There are more than ancient tombs, forming a group of ancient tombs.

"Thank the county procuratorate for putting forward many valuable suggestions on the protection of cultural relics. In the future, we will continue to strengthen close cooperation with the county procuratorate and other units, and jointly do a good job in the excavation of the tomb group and the national cultural relics protection." The responsible person of Changfeng County Culture and Tourism Bureau said