Public interest litigation
After the issuance of the procuratorial proposal, the 20 year long problem was solved
Time: April 1, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Susong County, Anhui Province, issued a series of pre litigation procuratorial suggestions for administrative public interest litigation on duck raising in the Shizui Village section of the Erlang River The problem of raising ducks in rivers for 20 years has finally been completely solved.

In August 2018, the Procuratorate of Susong County found that there was large-scale duck raising in the river channel of Shizui Village section of Erlang River during the inspection of public welfare supervision, and quickly organized the procuratorial police to conduct field visits and on-site investigations for many times. It is learned that Wang Moumou, a villager in Shizui Village, Erlang Town, has occupied the river channel for a long time to extensively breed egg ducks since 2000. The breeding scale is about 5000 ducks per year, reaching more than 10000 ducks during the peak period. During the breeding process, there were no waste treatment facilities, and the waste was directly discharged into the Erlang River. The smell of duck dung on the site was unpleasant, which was strongly reflected by the surrounding people. Less than 500 meters downstream of the egg duck activity area is the drinking water source protection area of the Second Water Plant, which poses a hidden danger to the water quality safety of urban residents.

In order to respond to the concerns of the masses, fully perform the public interest litigation function of the procuratorial organ, and safeguard the social public interest, Susong County Procuratorate resolutely launched the pre litigation procedure of administrative public interest litigation, issued procuratorial suggestions to the county animal husbandry and veterinary bureau, the people's government of Erlang Town, the county environmental protection bureau, and the county waterworks, urged the relevant units to perform their duties and take effective measures in a timely manner; At the same time, in order to attract the attention of relevant departments, form a linkage effect, and promote the thorough solution of the problem, Susong County Procuratorate took the initiative to report the relevant situation to the county party committee and government, and the county party secretary made important instructions.

Finally, with the help of the procuratorial organs, through the joint efforts of many departments, mainly the Erlang Town Government and the County Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau, the duck raising behavior in the Shizui Village section of the Erlang River has been effectively rectified, all ducks in the river have been disposed of, the surrounding environment has been improved, and the hidden dangers of water quality safety for urban residents have been eliminated.

In handling this public interest litigation case, the Susong County People's Procuratorate firmly grasped the core of public interest protection, took the initiative and actively coordinated to vigorously promote the solution of the problem of river duck raising It has not only effectively safeguarded the social public interests, but also promoted the administration according to law, realizing a win-win situation.



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