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The Provincial Procuratorate held a press conference on the procuratorial work of the province in 2023
Time: January 21, 2024 Author: Li Ang News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Press conference site

Sheng Dayou gives a briefing

Wu Yihuo presides over the press conference

In order to welcome the upcoming "Two Sessions" of Anhui Province, on January 19, the provincial procuratorate held the first press conference of the new year to systematically check the procuratorial work of the province in 2023. Sheng Dayou, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, attended the press conference and reported the situation from five aspects. Wu Yihuo, spokesman of the Provincial Procuratorate and second level inspector, presided over the conference.

Over the past year, the procuratorial organs of the whole province, centering on the modernization of procuratorial work to serve the Chinese modernization, have faithfully performed their duties, courageously competed for the first, and fully escorted the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui, with positive results achieved in various work.

Sheng Dayou said that since last year, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has paid attention to promoting the connection between various types of supervision and legal supervision. Deepen the connection between law enforcement supervision and legal supervision of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Party Committee We promoted more standardized and efficient law enforcement and judicial activities, handled 573 cases assigned by the political and legal committees of the Party committees at all levels, and submitted 131 supervisory matters to the political and legal committees of the Party committees. Establish a mechanism to link the democratic supervision and legal supervision of the CPPCC We actively promoted the two-way connection and transformation of CPPCC members' proposals and public interest litigation procuratorial suggestions, transforming CPPCC members' proposals into 696 public interest litigation cases, and transforming public interest litigation case clues into 42 CPPCC members' proposals. Establish a linkage mechanism between public opinion supervision and legal supervision We actively promoted the positive interaction between legal supervision and public opinion supervision, explored 85 public interest litigation clues in news reports, and filed 67 related cases.

stay Serving the overall situation Resolutely safeguard national security and social stability We will crack down on crimes endangering national security, carry out the work of "cracking down early and eliminating minor crimes", solidly promote the beginning and end clearance of all clues related to mafia and evil, prosecute 1484 people involved in mafia and evil crimes, severely punish serious violent crimes, and maintain a high pressure on public related crimes. Helping to create a first-class legal business environment We will resolutely maintain the order of market operation, deepen the compliance reform of enterprises involved in the case, "entrepreneurs meet with the chief procurator", carry out the work of clearing up the "pending cases" of enterprises involved, and create a "weekend consultation" mechanism for enterprise related cases. Actively ensure the implementation of major strategies We will comprehensively serve rural revitalization, ensure innovation driven development in accordance with the law, and help the Yangtze River Delta to implement its regional integrated development and green development strategy. Boost the modernization of social governance system and governance capacity We will deepen the linkage between government and procuratorate, work with the provincial government to promote the implementation of public policies and the supervision and supervision of government performance, and promote the construction of a misdemeanor governance system. Actively participate in the fight against corruption We will fully perform the procuratorial function of job-related crimes, improve the coordination mechanism between supervision and inspection, adhere to the joint investigation of bribery, and participate in the special rectification of job-related crimes in the fields of finance, energy, medicine, and grain purchase and sale.

Shanda Youtong reported that last year, the procuratorial organs of the whole province adhered to the principle of people first, devoted themselves to protecting the safety of the masses, focused on responding to the judicial concerns of the masses, strengthened the protection of the rights and interests of special groups, and constantly enhanced the people's sense of the rule of law. Focus on maintaining fairness and justice, strengthen the procuratorial supervision of criminal, civil, administrative and public interest litigation, fully promote procuratorial investigation, and do a good job in every case with high quality and efficiency. Adhere to self revolution, strengthen the ability to perform their duties, deepen the implementation of the digital procuratorial strategy, strengthen the infrastructure construction at the grass-roots level, and promote the modernization of their ability to perform their duties in a comprehensive and strict manner.

Heads of relevant internal institutions of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate attended the press conference. Journalists from the central government in Anhui and major news organizations in Anhui Province attended the press conference.