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Procuratorial Daily editorial: Let procurators become talents, and talents become procurators!
Time: September 4, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Talents are the foundation of thousands of years of achievements. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to talent and talent work, insisted on gathering talents from all over the world to use them, accelerated the pace of building a talent country, and promoted major achievements in talent work in the new era. Report to the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China Clearly put forward the requirement that "talents are the first resource", and made specific arrangements for the in-depth implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country with talents. Based on the historical position that procuratorial work is in the best period of development and faces higher requirements for performance of duties, we strive to promote the modernization of procuratorial work and serve the modernization of Chinese style. The procuratorial work of the new era and new journey has put forward new and higher requirements for the construction of procuratorial talents. How to implement the strategy of strengthening the country with talents deployed by the Central Committee of the Party into the procuratorial field and make procuratorial talent work more effective? Updating the concept is the key! During a discussion with the fifth group of national procuratorial experts, Procurator General Ying Yong emphasized that: To deepen the compulsory inspection of talents, we must update the concept of talent construction.

The idea is right, twice the result with half the effort. The procuratorial organs at all levels should thoroughly implement the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on talent work, update the concept of talent construction according to the deployment of the Supreme Procuratorate Group, do a solid job of procuratorial talent work, and promote the formation of a vivid picture of "procuratorial talent, talent procuratorial". How to update the concept of procuratorial talent construction? The key is to benchmark against the requirements of the Central Committee of the Party: General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward a series of important requirements for the rule of law team and the political and legal team, such as "five excellent", "four iron general", and "four loyalty", highlighting "efforts to cultivate more rule of law talents with firm ideals and convictions, strong family and country feelings, and solid legal foundation". The Construction Plan of China under the Rule of Law (2020 – 2025) and the Talent Development Plan during the 14th Five Year Plan of the People's Republic of China all put forward clear requirements for the cultivation of rule of law talents. Procuratorial talents are an important part of legal talents. Renewing the concept of procuratorial talent construction is to study and implement the talent concept of the party and the country, the rule of law talent concept, and the procuratorial talent concept, and establish the "four perspectives" of procuratorial talent in response to the profound changes in the main contradictions of the procuratorial team:

——Establish a global talent outlook. The fundamental purpose of procuratorial talent work is to promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work and serve the high-quality development of economy and society. Therefore, we should focus on the work of procuratorial talents around "serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and taking responsibility for the rule of law", focus on the needs of serving the cause of the Party and the country, the Party's procuratorial cause, and legal supervision, and build a talent selection and employment pattern with a broader vision and more open mind, so that more outstanding talents can stand out and come to the fore, and let "those who are near will be pleased, those who are far away will come", The "first resource" of talents is truly transformed into a powerful driving force to promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work.

——Establish the concept of all talents. To strengthen the construction of procuratorial talents, one procurator should not be left behind. We should keep our eyes inward, continue to improve the system and mechanism of identifying, loving and using talents, stimulate the growth momentum and potential of each procurator, and vigorously create a good environment where everyone aspires to become a talent, everyone strives to become a talent, everyone can become a talent, and everyone can make full use of their talent. We should pay attention to the comprehensiveness of personnel training, not only to the training of procuratorial professionals, but also to the training of procuratorial theoretical research talents, comprehensive management talents, and technical talents; It not only focuses on improving the political quality and professional ability of procuratorial talents, but also focuses on improving the comprehensive management and organizational leadership ability. In particular, those young cadres who are accurate, have potential and have a promising future should dare to shoulder the burden, let them take on more "hot potato", and more "ants on the hot pot", so as to help them practice and improve.

——Establish an open talent outlook. The main position of procuratorial talent construction lies in procuratorial organs, and the main object is procuratorial personnel. It is necessary to tap the potential internally, strengthen the talent exchange within the procuratorial system, especially the temporary exchange and cadre flow between the higher procuratorates and the grass-roots procuratorates, and optimize the structure of procuratorial cadres. At the same time, it is also necessary to have a higher pattern and position, and unblock the entrance and exit of talents inside and outside the system - it is necessary to strengthen the communication with outside the system, and unblock the export of talents. While cultivating and selecting talents, it is also necessary to be able to exchange and transport talents, and the flow of talents should not be hindered by departmental departmentalism; It is necessary to open the access to talents, actively build a wide-ranging, multi-channel and three-dimensional talent employment pattern, deepen and improve the working mechanism of regular exchanges with law schools, including expert advisory committees, administrative professionals serving as procurator assistants and other working mechanisms, and create a team of "off staff" procuratorial talents.

——Establish a scientific talent outlook. Talent growth has its special laws, and talent construction should also be practical and realistic. The same is true for the training and use of procuratorial talents. Different places have different needs and different levels have different standards. We should adhere to the principle of adjusting measures to local conditions and implementing precise policies, encourage procuratorial organs at all levels to "select and employ" procuratorial talents more specifically according to the actual situation, and ensure that talent building is pragmatic and effective. It is necessary to let talents of different specialties, positions, and abilities have their own advantages, so that more and more people can compete in the new journey of the great procuratorial cause.

Prosperity of talents means prosperity of procuratorial work. Procuratorial organs at all levels should thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on talent work, adhere to the requirements of the highest procuratorial group's deployment, adhere to the goal guidance, update the talent concept, highlight the problem orientation, make greater efforts, more practical measures and better mechanisms, and do a good job in procuratorial talent work in the new era and new journey, Provide a solid talent guarantee for the innovative development of procuratorial work in the new era and new journey.