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Anhui: Normalized and institutionalized anti mafia and eliminating evil, creating a safe and stable social environment for high-quality development of the province
Time: August 28, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Released by: Dong Guiwen, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Anti Mafia Office

Released by: Wei Changnian, member of the Provincial Supervision Commission, director of the Party Style and Political Style Supervision Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and deputy director of the Provincial Anti Mafia Office

Released by: Zhang Bing, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial High Court, Vice President, and Deputy Director of the Provincial Anti Mafia Office

Released by: Sheng Dayou, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate

Released by: Zheng Genxian, the second level police technical director of the Provincial Public Security Department and the chief of the Criminal Police Corps

Host: Zheng Mingwu, Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Information Office of the Provincial People's Government

On the morning of August 24, a news briefing meeting was held on the work of normalized and institutionalized anti mafia and anti evil struggle in Anhui Province. Dong Guiwen, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Anti Mafia Office, Wei Changnian, Member of the Provincial Supervision Committee, Director of the Party Style and Political Style Supervision Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Deputy Director of the Provincial Anti Mafia Office, Zhang Bing, Member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial High Court, Vice President of the Provincial High Court, Deputy Director of the Provincial Anti Mafia Office, Sheng Dayou, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, and the second level police technical director of the Provincial Public Security Department Zheng Genxian, Chief of the Criminal Police Corps, attended the press briefing. Zheng Mingwu, Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Information Office of the Provincial People's Government, presided over the press briefing.

Dong Guiwen introduced that since 2022, the whole province has resolutely implemented the decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, firmly established the people centered development concept, implemented the Anti Organized Crime Law, always maintained the high pressure situation of cracking down on mafia crimes when they first appeared, and promoted "handling cases, breaking umbrellas, breaking wealth, and governing chaos" in an integrated way, and investigated and handled 246 criminal and mafia related cases, sealed up, detained The assets involved in the case were frozen at 3.158 billion yuan, and 744 people involved in 431 cases of Mafia related corruption and "protective umbrella" were investigated and dealt with. This will create a safer, stable, fair and just social environment for high-quality development in the province. In the assessment and evaluation of the National Anti Mafia Office's regular fight against crime in 2022, Anhui's comprehensive ranking and all five indicators rank first in the country.

Carry out key action

Comprehensive starting clue clearance

The provincial party committee issued the Implementation Measures of Anhui Province for the Normalized and Mechanized Fight against Mafia to solidify the experience of special struggle and further standardize the normalization of the fight against Mafia. The Provincial Anti Mafia Office, together with relevant units directly under the provincial government, focused on key links such as clue verification, case handling, and "breaking the network with an umbrella", has successively formulated systems and mechanisms such as the Guidelines for Handling Clues Related to Mafia and Evil, the "One Case, Three Notifications" Collaborative Linkage Working Mechanism for Major Mafia and Evil Cases, and the Opinions on Further Strengthening Several Mechanisms for Normalized Anti Mafia Fighting, Discipline and Law Coordination.

The Provincial Anti Mafia Office organized the regular special supervision of anti Mafia and anti evil activities in 2022, went deep into 16 cities and relevant counties and districts, focused on key clues, key cases and key industries, accurately found problems, supervised the rectification and improvement, and promoted the balanced development of work in all regions. In 2022, the 12337 platform of the National Anti Mafia Office will issue 201 clues for people to report, with a completion rate of 99.5%; 27 key supervision clues of provincial anti crime office were completed.

In order to further respond to the expectations of the masses and effectively achieve the goal of "people have their voice, and we have our own response", in May 2023, the provincial leading group of anti mafia and anti evil struggle deployed and carried out a bottom-up and clearance campaign for all the clues related to mafia and evil. The existing clues since the comprehensive bottom-up of the special struggle in 2018 were verified and tackled key clues such as uncleared, repeated reports from the masses after the investigation. At present, the key actions are being carried out in an orderly manner.

File a case to investigate and deal with corruption involving criminal syndicates

And "umbrella" 744 people

Wei Changnian introduced that, according to the unified deployment of the provincial anti crime office, the provincial discipline inspection commission and supervision commission deployed and carried out the special action of clearing the warehouse of clues related to criminal and evil corruption and "umbrella" issues throughout the province, comprehensively summarized the clues of problems such as people's letters, visits and reports, refined the responsibility measures, specified the time limit requirements, implemented classified disposal, continued to press forward, reconciliation and cancellation, and focused on clearing the stock and reducing the increment. By the end of July 2023, the province had investigated and dealt with a total of 744 people in 431 cases involving criminal, evil, corruption, "umbrella" and other violations of discipline and law, including 29 cadres above the department level, 373 people were given party and government disciplinary sanctions, and 75 people were transferred to the procuratorial organ.

Focusing on the criminal cases of mafia related organizations that infringe on the interests of the masses as the focus of supervision and discipline enforcement, we continued to vigorously punish the "village tyrants", "street tyrants" and other rural mafia forces that control grass-roots political power, oppress the people, and occupy collective asset resources, as well as the corruption and "umbrella" behind them. Since 2022, 181 party members, cadres and public officials involved in criminal and criminal activities around the masses have been investigated and punished, Among them, 91 were punished by Party discipline and government affairs, and 30 were transferred to procuratorial organs.

Continue to fight for wealth and blood

Boost optimization Legalized business environment

Zhang Bing said that by the end of July this year, 372 criminal cases had been accepted in the first and second trials, and 277 cases had been concluded; The subject amount of "black finance" execution cases accepted was 2.542 billion yuan, and 2.353 billion yuan was fully executed; 316 judicial suggestions were put forward, and 214 clues related to crime, crime, umbrella and corruption were transferred.

The provincial courts organized and carried out the special action of "looking back" to basically solve the difficulties in implementation and consolidate the achievements of "Jianghuai Storm" implementation, the summer action of "Jianghuai Storm" implementation and optimization of business environment, and the centralized implementation action of "Jianghuai Storm" to benefit people and enterprises. They always vigorously promoted the implementation of "black finance" as a key task, and constantly improved the rate of dedication and implementation in place. Standardize the adoption of property inspection, control and compulsory measures, strictly prohibit the sealing up, seizure and freezing beyond the scope and beyond the standard, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of outsiders in accordance with the law.

Prosecution of cases involving mafia and evil

215 pieces, 1636 persons

According to Sheng Dayou, since 2022, the provincial procuratorial organs have approved the arrest of 298 people in 120 cases involving mafia, and initiated public prosecutions of 1636 people in 215 cases. The case of Yuan Moumou and others involved in criminal groups of network evil forces handled by the Lu'an Municipal Procuratorate was rated as a typical case by the highest procuratorate.

In terms of making money and breaking blood, the Provincial Procuratorate actively explored the whole process of "investigation, prosecution, trial and enforcement" of criminal property investigation and treatment, supervised the property involved in the case in multiple links such as leading investigation, review and prosecution, court trial, and execution of property related punishment, and thoroughly eradicated the economic foundation of criminal property involved. We strengthened the supervision over the implementation of "black property" and put forward supervision opinions in a timely manner. The case involving the Liu brothers in Bengbu has supervised the implementation of more than 700 million yuan of property.

Focusing on information network, natural resources, transportation and other industries, the provincial procuratorial organs have issued 131 procuratorial recommendations, and received 129 feedback. Through the procuratorial recommendations, relevant units and industries are encouraged to plug governance loopholes, strengthen source prevention, and further eradicate the breeding ground for evil forces. Relying on the "linkage between government and procuratorate", we will work with the competent departments of the industry to establish systems such as clue handover, notification and feedback, and cooperate with the public security, network supervision and other departments to further promote network governance, so as to prevent the network platform from becoming a new breeding ground for evil forces.

Keep a high pressure situation

Eradicate the breeding ground of evil forces

Zheng Genxian introduced that since 2022, the provincial public security system has given full play to the role of the "main force" in combating mafia crimes, insisting that wherever there is a mafia, it must be swept away and the evil must be eliminated. By the end of July this year, the provincial public security organs had investigated and handled 246 cases involving mafia and evil, including 19 cases involving mafia and 227 cases involving evil, captured 4306 criminal suspects, cracked 5477 criminal cases, and "seized and frozen" more than 3.158 billion yuan of assets involved, making every effort to create a harmonious and stable social security environment for economic and social development.

Since March of this year, the provincial public security organs have deployed to carry out the verification of clues to organized crime reported by the masses, and various clues since the special struggle for full clearance. For the clues repeatedly reported by the masses and complicated clues, the use of measures such as listing for supervision, upgrading for verification, and off-site verification has ensured that the clues are found and verified. At present, all provincial and municipal supervision and transfer clues have been cleared dynamically.

The provincial public security organs have always targeted the black and evil issues strongly reflected by the people, vigorously carried out the "iron fist action" against black and evil crimes in rural areas, and resolutely maintained the social security environment in rural areas. We will carry out in-depth special actions to crack down on "sand tyrants", "mine tyrants" and other nefarious crimes in the field of natural resources, and vigorously maintain a good natural ecological environment and business environment. Focusing on the changes in the situation, we continued to focus on the special action to crack down on and punish cyber crimes, successfully investigated 60 cases, and resolutely curbed the spread of cyber crimes. Adhere to the principle of combining punishment and prevention, and promote governance through punishment. Pay attention to the detection of hidden risks and regulatory loopholes behind mafia crimes. A total of 382 public security reminder letters were sent to the competent industry departments, comprehensively squeezing the survival space of mafia forces.