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Anhui: Strengthen the supervision of enterprise related community correction in the "tour+special" inspection
Time: July 5, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

July 1 this year marks the third anniversary of the implementation of the Community Correction Law. Reporters learned from the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate that over the past three years, the procuratorial organs of the province have integrated conscientiously performing their duties of community correction supervision into the overall situation of serving and ensuring the development of private economy, focusing on the combination of legal supervision of enterprise related community correction with routine patrol inspection, special patrol inspection and special inspection of community correction, It not only improves the quality and efficiency of legal supervision of enterprise related community correction, but also promotes the "outgoing" and "manageable" objects of enterprise related community correction.

In order to strengthen the procuratorial supervision of community correction work, in recent years, the procuratorial organs around Anhui have explored two ways of routine patrol inspection and special patrol inspection, and have taken the legal supervision of enterprise related community correction as the focus of supervision. Wuhu Procuratorate In the routine patrol inspection of community correction, the basic information account of enterprise related community correction objects, interviews and other ways were established to dynamically grasp the needs of enterprise related community correction objects to go out for leave, and case supervision was promoted through case supervision, which achieved remarkable results The case that the object of community correction, Mr. Guan, applied for going out for supervision, was selected into the 33rd batch of guiding cases of national procuratorial organs, and the case that the object of community correction, Mr. Ni, applied for going out for supervision, was rated as the excellent case of community correction supervision of national procuratorial organs, and the alternative case of guiding cases

Since 2019, the provincial procuratorial organs have begun to explore and practice community correction patrol inspection. By the end of 2022, the provincial community correction patrol inspection has been fully covered. It is understood that last year alone, the procuratorial organs of the province carried out 57 special patrols of community correction for 90 community correction institutions and 790 judicial offices, and put forward 662 corrective opinions and procuratorial suggestions. Xuancheng Procuratorate When looking back on the patrol inspection of community correction in 2021, two special patrol inspections were carried out for the supervision focus of the management of community correction objects going out to ask for leave. The continuous follow-up supervision promoted the implementation of the rectification of relevant problems.

In addition to the patrol inspection, the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province also strengthened the legal supervision of enterprise related community correction with special inspection. In July 2022, Anqing Procuratorate In the one month special inspection of community correction object leakage management, big data was used to enable community correction supervision. Through querying big data information such as community correction object accommodation records and traffic travel records, 51 community correction objects were found to have left the supervision without asking for leave during the supervision period. In view of the problem that it is difficult for enterprise related community correction objects to ask for leave, Anqing Procuratorate issued social governance procuratorial suggestions to the city's judicial bureau, which promoted the standardized development of enterprise related community correction objects going out to engage in production and legitimate business activities.

Dialogue with Zhang Rongzhen, deputy to the 13th National People's Congress and director of the emergency department of Wuhu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

For and on behalf of Zhang Rongzhen

reporter: Hello, Director Zhang! I know that during your tenure as a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress, you were invited to participate in the special research activities organized by the Supreme People's Procuratorate on legal supervision of community corrections involving private enterprises in some procuratorial organs across the country. What impression did that survey leave on you?

Zhang Rongzhen: Yes, in April 2021, the Supreme People's Procuratorate held this research activity in Wuhu City, Anhui Province, and I was honored to be invited to participate. Through discussions, exchanges and field visits, I was impressed by the procuratorial organs' efforts to conscientiously implement the Community Correction Law of the People's Republic of China, give full play to their legal supervision functions, and actively suggest that community correction institutions review and approve enterprises involved in community correction objects to go out to engage in production and business activities.

I remember that at that research forum, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate also made a live speech on the experience of enterprise related community correction supervision, providing a good "Anhui model" for the Supreme People's Procuratorate to pilot the implementation of legal supervision of enterprise related community correction nationwide. As a deputy to the 13th Anhui National People's Congress, I am also very happy and proud of this, and hope that the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province will do this work better and better.

reporter: You just mentioned that the legal supervision of enterprise related community correction has left a deep impression on you. Could you talk about it specifically in combination with your experience of participating in procuratorial activities for many times?

Zhang Rongzhen: well. In recent years, I have been invited to participate in procuratorial open days, visits, symposiums and other exchange activities held by the Wuhu Procuratorate for many times, so that I can experience procuratorial work from a distance. For example, community correction supervision, I particularly noticed that the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province insisted on applying for leave from enterprises to go out to engage in production and operation. As a powerful measure of community correction supervision to serve the economic and social development, standardized supervision and precise supervision are constantly increasing.

As early as the end of 2019, the procuratorial organs and judicial administrative organs of Anhui Province, together with Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places, will jointly formulate the Administrative Measures for the Outgoing of Enterprise related Community Correction Prisoners in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui (for trial implementation), which has made specific provisions for enterprise related community correction objects to take leave to engage in production and business activities, This beneficial experience provided a good judicial practice experience for the later community correction law.

In order to better integrate into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has also guided local governments to strengthen the construction of the supervision mechanism for enterprise related community corrections. The procuratorial organs and judicial administrative organs in Xuancheng, Chuzhou and other places have established a fast and convenient handling mechanism for enterprise related community correction objects to go out on leave in border areas with Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other surrounding provinces The cross provincial community correction object synchronized management mechanism unifies the judicial implementation standards. The Wuhu procuratorial organ handled the case of the community correction object applying for going out for supervision, which was also rated as the 33rd batch of guiding cases by the Supreme Procuratorate, which was also the first time that the Supreme Procuratorate selected guiding cases of community correction supervision.

reporter: What suggestions do you have for the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province to further improve the supervision of enterprise related community corrections?

Zhang Rongzhen: It is only the first step to establish a community correction and supervision mechanism for enterprises. The key is that the mechanism can operate effectively. Therefore, it is suggested that the Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate should strengthen the patrol inspection of enterprise related community correction. For example, it can jointly carry out special patrol inspection of enterprise related community correction supervision with the procuratorial organs in Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other neighboring provinces, promote the normalization and legalization of enterprise related community correction objects' application for going out to engage in production and business activities, and truly achieve legal supervision and equal protection.