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Anhui: polish the style "bottom color", improve the development "quality"
Time: January 28, 2023 Author: News source: Anhui Daily [Font size: large | in | Small

On February 7, 2022, the first day of working in the Lunar Year of the Tiger, the provincial conference of "One Change and Two Achievements" was held, which sounded a strong clarion call to boost the status, improve the style, and strive to be the first. Over the past year, Party members and cadres at all levels in the province have improved their style of work with the spirit of self revolution and efforts to grasp the iron, doing well in matters that impress the masses and providing services that satisfy enterprises. Our province has a better reputation for business environment, higher public satisfaction, more solid style of cadres, and more momentum for development and advancement in all regions, which strongly supports the steady and progressive economic operation of our province.

Do practical things for the people

The steamer in the kitchen is steaming hot, and the New Year goods in the living room set off a festive flavor. This Spring Festival is the first Spring Festival for Wangjiang County resident Lao Zhao after he moved into his new house. He was excited and sighed: "The whole family is happy to move into the new house for the Spring Festival!"

The commercial house bought by Lao Zhao had been delayed in delivery. In the first half of last year, a provincial leader paid a public visit to the local area, and Lao Zhao and other people who did not get the house reported this situation. Soon, Wangjiang County set up a special work team, and under the guarantee of a county leader, promoted all parties to cooperate and work together to properly address the demands of the masses, and Lao Zhao successfully moved into his new house.

Since the provincial "One Change and Two Achievements" conference was held, Party members and cadres at all levels have taken the voice of the masses as the first signal, the needs of the masses as the first choice, and the satisfaction of the masses as the first standard, and have worked hard to solve the "urgent problems" of the masses with heart and emotion.

Letters and visits are delivered to the masses. The Provincial Party Committee formulated and issued the Regulations on Provincial Leading Cadres' Visits and Visits, implementing the principle of "who receives and reads the visits and who approves the cases", and focusing on the complaints from the masses. The "Specific Measures for Anhui Province to Implement the Regulations on Letters and Calls" was introduced to establish and improve the five level interview mechanism of provincial leaders taking the lead in receiving letters and calls, municipal leaders regularly receiving visits, county leaders opening the door to receive visits, township leaders receiving visits at any time, and village cadres visiting at home, and clarify that secretaries at all levels are the first responsible person for letters and calls. Implement the working mechanism of "list+closed-loop", and promote all departments to do a good job of letters and visits with feelings and responsibilities. Leading cadres take the lead in receiving visits, resolving cases, reading and approving letters from the masses, so as to ensure that letters and visits are effective and do not go through formalities.

We should do practical things for the people, truly treat the masses as family members and their affairs as family affairs. Focusing on the employment, education, medical care, ecological environmental protection, etc. that the masses pay close attention to, our province has invested 92.07 billion yuan to implement 20 practical livelihood issues and 10 actions to warm the hearts of the people, earnestly handle the major livelihood issues that the people are worried about, and do a good job of the key little things that the people feel every day. Now, oral health knowledge is being popularized to guide citizens to improve their health awareness; New parking lots have been set up one by one, forming a convenient parking system to make people travel more smoothly; The farmers' markets have been upgraded from "face" to "interior", and the "fireworks" of citizens' lives have been lit up

Practically optimize the environment for enterprises

In the middle of winter, the production workshops of Bozhou Qianqiu Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. are running at high speed. "Thanks to the timely arrival of 5 million yuan of funds coordinated by the government, the company has doubled its production capacity and is stepping up to catch up with orders," said Zhi Kui, general manager of the company.

In November 2022, Zhi Kui reported to the relevant departments of Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City that the orders of enterprises had increased significantly, but they were suffering from lack of funds and could not expand their operations. After receiving the request from the enterprise, Qiaocheng District Economic and Information Bureau decided to put the enterprise on the white list and recommend it to Bozhou Branch of Agricultural Bank of China for credit with the maximum recommended limit of the bureau. Soon, Qiaocheng Branch of Agricultural Bank of China lent 5 million yuan to the company.

In the process of in-depth promotion of "One Change and Two Achievements", our provincial party committees and governments at all levels have always wanted to stand together with enterprises and carried out the activities of "visiting thousands of enterprises in the New Year, helping solve problems", "optimizing the environment and stabilizing the economy", focusing on the pain points and difficulties that enterprises have strongly reflected, playing a "combination punch", sending "timely rain" and solving "old problems". Last year, the provincial "service for enterprises" platform collected and handled 256000 enterprise appeals, with a completion rate of 98.7%. The province also introduced a series of measures to support the development of market entities and financial assistance to enterprises, increased tax cuts and fees, tax rebates, tax relief and fee deferrals by 127.69 billion yuan, and released 2.062 billion yuan of returned funds to stabilize jobs. The "policy red envelope" was delivered to enterprises point-to-point, stabilizing the expectations of market players and boosting the confidence of enterprises in development.

For enterprises, a good business environment is like sunshine, air and water, which cannot be lacking. Our province plans to improve the business environment from the perspective of market players, establishes a mechanism for entrepreneurs to participate in the formulation of enterprise related policies, makes every effort to meet the reasonable needs of enterprises, resolutely prohibits those that affect the healthy development of enterprises, and strives to create a convenient, open and transparent market-oriented, legalized and world-class business environment. The Implementation Plan on Creating a First class Business Environment was issued, listing the positive and negative aspects of optimizing the business environment, launching 23 policies and measures to help enterprises to rescue, and government service centers at all levels set up "fail to do" reflection windows... a list of lists and a series of measures, so that enterprises can feel the warmth of "helping in times of need" and the closeness of "taking an umbrella in the rain". The survey result of "10000 private enterprises evaluating business environment" in our province has risen from the 16th place nationwide to the 8th place.

Real style and good style

"The subsidy of 151800 yuan has finally been received." A few days ago, Lao Zhou, a resident of Qinxi Town, Jingxian County, sent a message to the staff of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, feedback that the overdue subsidy was paid in place and expressed his gratitude.

Previously, the Jingxian County Commission for Discipline Inspection carried out special supervision and inspection in accordance with the requirements of the Xuancheng City Commission for Discipline Inspection on the centralized rectification of the work style construction, focusing on the "false, hiding, cold, rough, fake" and other style problems, and implemented inventory and closed-loop management for the problems found to be indifferent to the interests of the masses, "playing tai chi", "playing football", etc., to promote the rectification of problems, and earnestly safeguard the interests of the masses Optimize the business environment.

Excellent style is the fundamental guarantee to promote the optimization of business environment and the improvement of service for the people. After the provincial "One Change and Two Achievements" conference was held, our province seriously investigated and dealt with formalistic bureaucracy that affected the implementation of the major decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, ignored the infringement of the interests of the masses, and increased the burden on the grass-roots level, formulated a list of key tasks for the supervision of "One Change and Two Achievements", and solidly carried out the special rectification of "six no" prominent problems and "false, hiding, cold, crude, fake" and other persistent style problems. A total of 901 formalism and bureaucracy problems were investigated and dealt with in the province, 1638 people were criticized, educated, helped and dealt with, 662 of whom were given party discipline and government administrative sanctions.

Fasten the "fence" of the system and set up the "high voltage line" of the implementation. The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Government issued documents such as Several Measures for Further Improving the Work Style, listing 20 work styles such as front-line work methods and top service enterprises, and establishing working mechanisms such as letters and visits, and reducing the burden on grass-roots units. Provincial leaders took the lead in carrying out on-site office work in 16 cities under the jurisdiction of the province, promoting cadres at all levels to do a good job in people's livelihood and serving the development of enterprises in a practical manner, and creating a strong atmosphere of comparing services, emphasizing dedication, and focusing on practical work.

Encourage cadres to take on responsibilities, make "lying down cadres" unable to lie down, and let those who muddle along have no market. Our province has established a clear guidance of judging heroes by their achievements and employing cadres according to their achievements, improved and implemented the method of front-line investigation and identification of cadres, widely listened to the opinions and evaluations of insiders, and regularly carried out the work of investigation and identification of cadres in the front-line areas of resolving the contradiction between letters and visits, carrying out "double recruitment and double introduction", promoting the construction of free trade zones, and optimizing government services. Compile and print typical cases of fault tolerance, error correction and accountability, select the tree to take responsibility as an advanced model, and encourage and guide cadres at all levels to work with good spirit and pragmatic work style.