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The Fourth Plenary Session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee was held in Hefei
Time: November 28, 2022-1Author: News source: Anhui Xianfeng [Font size: large | in | Small

Comprehensively study, grasp and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, closely follow the General Secretary to forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions to a new era

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee was held in Hefei

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee presides over Zheng Zhajie's speech, Wang Qingxian attends Tang Liangzhi as a nonvoting delegate

The plenary session deliberated and adopted

Decision of Anhui Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on Deeply Implementing the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and Striving to Write a New Chapter of Modern and Beautiful Anhui Construction

Resolution of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 11th Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China

On November 25, the fourth plenary meeting of the 11th Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Hefei. Photographed by our reporter Yang Zhu

The fourth plenary meeting of the 11th Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Hefei on November 25. The plenary session was attended by 81 members of the Provincial Party Committee and 14 alternate members of the Provincial Party Committee. The plenary session was presided over by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Zheng Zhajie, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, delivered a speech. Wang Qingxian, deputy secretary and governor of the provincial Party committee, member and alternate member of the provincial Party committee attended the meeting. Tang Liangzhi, Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, attended the meeting as a nonvoting delegate.

The plenary session conscientiously studied and implemented the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and a series of important speeches by General Secretary Xi Jinping, listened to and discussed Zheng Zhajie's work report commissioned by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and reviewed and passed the Decision of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on Deeply Implementing the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and Striving to Write a New Chapter of Modern and Beautiful Anhui Construction And Resolution of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. Zheng Zhajie explained to the plenary session and delivered a speech on the Decision of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee on Deeply Implementing the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and Striving to Write a New Chapter in the Construction of a Modern and Beautiful Anhui (Discussion Draft).

Zheng Zhajie pointed out that studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is the primary political task at present and in the future, and we should persist in leading the study, publicity and implementation work in depth. We must insist on the supremacy of the people, and coordinate the relationship between who to serve and who to rely on; We must adhere to self-confidence and self-reliance, and coordinate the relationship between history and reality; We must adhere to integrity and innovation, and coordinate the relationship between theory and practice; We must adhere to the problem orientation and balance the relationship between quality and total quantity; We must adhere to the concept of system and balance the long-term and current relationship; We must keep the world in mind, coordinate the relationship between Anhui's development and the overall situation of the country and the international situation, further strengthen the political consciousness of sincerely supporting the "two establishment" and faithfully practicing the "two maintenance", further enhance the ideological consciousness guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, further enhance the comprehensive study, comprehensive grasp Fully implement the action consciousness of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, closely follow the General Secretary, forge ahead on a new journey, and make contributions to a new era.

Zheng Zhajie stressed that the Decision adopted at the plenary session of the provincial party committee has clearly defined the goals, ideas and measures for the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui. The key now is to come up with a plan for implementation, refine the timetable and construction drawings, and unswervingly push forward the decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial party committee. It is necessary to recognize a fresh strategic environment, keep a clear head, and deeply understand that the world has entered a new period of turbulence and change. China's development has entered a period of coexistence of strategic opportunities and risks, and uncertainty and unpredictable factors have increased. Regional competition is becoming increasingly fierce. If we do not catch up, we will be overtaken, and if we do not take the initiative, we will be passive. We will effectively enhance the sense of urgency of "slow progress is retreat, and if we do not advance, we will be more retreat". We should seize the new strategic opportunities, actively transform and make good use of them, give full play to the advantages of our province, such as the superposition of national strategies, good foundation of manufacturing industry, rich scientific and educational talents, profound history and humanities, excellent ecological environment, and superior location and transportation, seize the time window, make sure that the policy is exhausted, and truly turn the rare opportunities into the actual results of high-quality development. We should grasp the new strategic stage, take a quasi historical position, benchmark the "two-step" strategic arrangement of the CPC Central Committee, and basically realize socialist modernization with the whole country by 2035, and basically build a modern and beautiful Anhui; By the middle of this century, we will achieve socialist modernization with the whole country and build a modern and beautiful Anhui. We should focus on the new strategic requirements, anchor our goals, implement the decisions and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, link up the 11th Provincial Party Congress and the goals and arrangements of the 14th Five Year Plan. In the next five years, we should make new breakthroughs in the construction of innovative Anhui, advancing Anhui together, beautiful Anhui, open Anhui, and happy Anhui, and make major breakthroughs in improving quality and increasing the total amount, We will make new and greater progress in building a modern and beautiful Anhui.

Zheng Zhajie pointed out that high-quality development is the primary task of the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui. We should implement new strategic tasks, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and strive to achieve high-quality economic and social development in Anhui. We should work hard to serve and integrate into the new development pattern, serve to build a high-level socialist market economy, deeply implement the action plan for high-quality coordinated development of the three industries, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, promote coordinated regional development, expand high-level opening up, and accelerate the construction of a modern economic system. We should vigorously implement the strategy of revitalizing Anhui through science and education, connect the first productive force, the first resource, and the first driving force, and build a province strong in education, science and technology, and talent. We should strive to develop people's democracy throughout the process, do a good job in the work of the People's Congress and the People's Political Consultative Conference in the new era, actively develop democracy at the grass-roots level, constantly improve the working pattern of the Great United Front, and consolidate and develop a dynamic, stable and united political situation. We should work hard to promote the rule of law in the province, comprehensively promote scientific legislation, strict law enforcement, fair justice, and law abiding people, and build a rule of law Anhui, a rule of law government, and a rule of law society. We should strive to promote the prosperity of socialist culture, firmly grasp the leadership of ideology, vigorously promote socialist core values, adhere to the two pronged approach of cultural undertakings and cultural industries, and accelerate the construction of an innovative cultural province. We should strive to improve people's wellbeing, adhere to the policy of giving priority to employment, focus on maximizing people's wellbeing, implement the action of "warming people's hearts", focus on people's wellbeing, improve the social assistance system, focus on people's wellbeing, and exchange the "responsibility index" and "hardship index" of cadres for the "happiness index" of the masses. We should strive to promote green development, continue to focus on the rectification of feedback problems such as the central ecological and environmental protection supervision, strictly implement the "10-year ban on fishing" in the Yangtze River, implement the strictest farmland protection and water resource management system, implement the carbon peak action in a planned and step-by-step manner, and build a beautiful Anhui. We should strive to safeguard national security and social stability, and improve our ability to safeguard national security, the level of public security governance, and the effectiveness of the social governance system.

Zheng Zhajie stressed that we should adhere to the principle of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party to ensure the implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. Party organizations at all levels in the province should conscientiously implement the general requirements for party building in the new era, comprehensively promote the party's political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction, and discipline construction, and put system construction through it, deeply promote the fight against corruption, and constantly improve the quality of party building. Leading cadres of Party members at all levels should take the lead in keeping in mind that "the country is the largest", regard "two establishment" and "two maintenance" as the highest political principles and fundamental political rules, take the important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the first political element within the Party, take a clear stand in politics, firmly establish a holistic view, enhance work creativity, and resolutely be loyal to the Party. We should take the lead in making up for the weakness in our ability, comprehensively enhance our ability to promote high-quality development, serve the people, prevent and resolve risks, and resolutely achieve excellent ability. We should take the lead in fighting, be good at fighting, stand firm on issues of principle, dare to show our swords, face difficulties in the face of contradictions, stand up to risks and challenges, actively respond to them, and resolutely take responsibility. We should take the lead to maintain integrity, be clean and honest, be fair and upright, stick to the bottom line, and be strict with ourselves.

Zheng Jiejie pointed out that it is only more than a month before the end of the year, and we should make overall efforts to do a good job in the current work. In terms of epidemic prevention and control, we should pay more attention, take more responsibilities, scientifically and accurately implement 20 measures to optimize epidemic prevention and control, resolutely prevent looseness and carelessness, resolutely prevent layers of overweight and cutting across the board, and strive to achieve the maximum effect of prevention and control at the minimum cost; In terms of economic development, it is necessary to keep the economic operation within a reasonable range; In terms of safety and development, we should pay close attention to the implementation of the main responsibilities, the implementation of rules and regulations, the regular supervision, and the prevention and containment of major accidents. We should do a good job in the work of changing the term of office with high standards and successfully complete the political tasks entrusted by the CPC Central Committee. It is necessary to plan and start the development of next year at a high level to ensure that the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will start well and achieve a "good start".

Zheng Zhajie required that Party organizations at all levels and the majority of Party members and cadres in the province should more closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, work hard and courageously, be loyal and dutiful, and strive to be the first, strive to write a new chapter in the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui, and contribute Anhui's strength to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

The provincial responsible comrades who are not members of the provincial Party committee, the secretary-general of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress and the Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference, the deputy secretary-general of the provincial Party committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, the provincial government and the Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference, the members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervision Commission, the main responsible comrades of the party groups (party committees) of provincial units, colleges and provincial enterprises, and some front-line representatives at the grass-roots level of the 11th Provincial Party Congress attended the meeting as nonvoting delegates.