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Understand the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and follow the General Secretary to forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions to a new era
Time: November 15, 2022 Author: News source: Anhui Daily [Font size: large | in | Small

On the afternoon of November 14, the opening ceremony of the centralized rotation training class for provincial leaders to learn and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress was held in the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee (Anhui Administrative College). Zheng Zhajie, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. He stressed that we should carefully study and implement the guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, learn to understand the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, always regard "two establishment" and "two maintenance" as the highest political principles and fundamental political rules in thought and action, closely follow the General Book, forge ahead on a new journey, and make contributions to a new era. Wang Qingxian, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, Tang Liangzhi, Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and other provincial leaders attended the opening ceremony.

Zheng Zhajie pointed out that the 20th CPC National Congress has attracted worldwide attention and national attention, and the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress is broad, profound and rich in connotation. Party organizations at all levels in the province should learn and understand in nine aspects on the basis of comprehensive study, publicity and implementation. First, we should learn the significance of making the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) clear, and deeply understand and grasp the rich political, theoretical and practical achievements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Second, learn to understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", deeply understand the historical necessity and practical necessity of the "two establishment", and constantly improve political judgment, political understanding and political execution. Third, we should learn to understand the theme of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), deeply understand and grasp the major issues of what flag our Party will hold, what road it will take, what kind of mental state it will take, and what kind of goal it will continue to move towards in the new journey, so as to ensure that all undertakings will always march in the right direction and succeed. Fourth, we should learn how to strengthen our historical confidence, enhance our historical initiative, and hand over new excellent answers to history and the people on the new road to the exam through our work in the past five years and the great changes in the new era. Fifthly, we should learn to understand the position, viewpoint and method of understanding the Party's innovative theory, deeply understand and grasp the rich connotation of "two lines", "two combinations" and "six insistences", and apply Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to arm our minds, guide practice and promote work. Sixth, we should learn to understand the mission and task of promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization, deeply understand and grasp "what is Chinese style modernization", "how to achieve Chinese style modernization", and "what is the primary task of Chinese style modernization", and earnestly benchmark in thought, act firmly and resolutely, and seek practical results. Seventh, we should learn to understand the new deployment of the cause of the Party and the state, deeply understand and grasp that the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is more mature and stereotyped, solidly promote the construction of economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization, and coordinate development and security. Eighth, we should learn to understand the important requirements of thoroughly promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, improve the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, and lead the social revolution with the self revolution of the Party. Ninth, we should learn to understand the requirements of the era of unity and struggle, and strengthen the strength of unity and struggle in strictly abiding by the Party's discipline, serving the people, daring to fight and being good at fighting.

Zheng Zhajie stressed that the next five years will be a critical period for the beginning of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. We should closely combine reality and effectively translate the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress into the actual action and work results of building a modern and beautiful Anhui. We should seek to realize the goals and measures in the next five years, put our own work into the overall situation of the whole country and the whole province, study the strengths, weaknesses and bottom plates of each work, find the specific destination, do a good job in combination and transformation, and promote Anhui to continue to catch up in the ranking of provinces, regions and cities nationwide. We should actively serve and integrate into the new development pattern, make efforts to build a high-level socialist market economy system in an all-round way, establish the reform orientation of "heroes on average per mu", and build a high standard market system; Make efforts to comprehensively build a modern industrial system and promote the high-quality coordinated development of the three industries; Efforts should be made to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and accelerate the construction of livable, employable and beautiful villages; Make efforts to comprehensively promote regional coordinated development, strengthen themselves and make more contributions in obeying the national strategy of serving the country; Efforts should be made to comprehensively promote high-level opening up, create a market-oriented, legal and international business environment, and strive to promote high-quality development of Anhui. We should implement the strategy of revitalizing Anhui through science and education, accelerate the development of education, implement the innovation driven strategy, cultivate high-quality talents, open up new fields and new tracks for development, and shape new driving forces and new advantages for development. We should develop people's democracy throughout the process, strengthen and improve the work of the people's congresses, the CPPCC, grass-roots democracy and the united front in the new era, and ensure that the people are masters of their own affairs. We should promote the rule of law in Anhui, adhere to the rule of law, the rule of law government, and the rule of law society, promote the administration according to law, strictly and impartially administer justice, and build a higher level of rule of law in Anhui. We should promote cultural self-confidence and self-improvement, firmly hold the main position of ideology, carry forward the theme of socialist core values, enhance the initiative of Anhui's cultural dissemination, and let Anhui style and Anhui rhyme show its unique charm. We need to further improve the quality of people's lives, make what the government does precisely match what the people want, make the distribution system more accurate, employment assistance more accurate, social security more accurate, health services more accurate, and promote common prosperity in high-quality development. We should protect the good mountains and water in Anhui, coordinate the management of the system of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, promote the double carbon action with a higher position, improve the quality of the ecological environment with greater strength, promote the protection and restoration of the ecological system with more practical measures, and promote the ecological environment management with more strict requirements, so as to realize the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. It is necessary to improve the ability to prevent and resolve major risks, adhere to the overall national security concept, have a "big country" in mind, strengthen the ability to maintain national security, improve the level of public security governance, improve the social governance system, and accelerate the construction of a higher level of safe Anhui. We should implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era, strengthen political construction, the building of the ranks of cadres, the building of the style of work, and the building of a clean and honest government, and build stronger and more powerful Party organizations at all levels.

Zheng Zhajie stressed that studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress is the primary political task for the current and future period. Leading cadres of Party members at all levels should, on the basis of previous studies, continue to learn the original text, read the original work, understand the principles, and promote learning to go deeper, more practical, and more inward. We should think with problems in mind, follow the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the principle of proceeding from reality, analyze the development situation thoroughly, study the expected goals accurately, plan the key tasks realistically, reserve major projects, and promote the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in all fields and aspects of economic and social development.

About 450 persons participated in the rotational training course, including the main responsible comrades of the four major groups of cities under the jurisdiction of the province, the main responsible comrades of the units directly under the province, the main responsible comrades of the Party committees of provincial universities and enterprises, the main responsible comrades of the central units in Anhui, and the county (city, district) party secretaries.