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Prosecutorial press, publicity and cultural work promotion meeting held
Time: April 24, 2022 Author: News source: Gaojian Network [Font size: large | in | Small

Prosecutorial press, publicity and cultural work promotion meeting held

Closely follow the main line and tell the procuratorial story of being able to perform duties according to law

Beijing, April 22 (reporter Xu Ridan, correspondent Wang Kaifang) On April 22, the procuratorial press, publicity and cultural work promotion meeting was held. The meeting stressed that under the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should closely focus on the main line of the work of welcoming, publicizing and implementing the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, tell the procuratorial story of being able to perform duties according to law, and promote the procuratorial news, publicity and cultural work in a high-quality way in the new era.

The meeting pointed out that 2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the "year of quality construction" of procuratorial work. We should have a deep understanding of the great significance of doing a good job in procuratorial news publicity and cultural work this year, firmly guard the ideological position related to procuratorial work, do a good job in major theme publicity, and create a strong atmosphere for the success of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to highlight the propaganda core of "being able to perform duties according to law", vividly and creatively tell the procuratorial practice story of Xi Jinping's rule of law thought, and strive to achieve more active function publicity, more sufficient case supply, and more vivid character publicity. We should focus on the implementation and improvement of the "Year of Quality Construction", always adhere to the "political perspective", implement the "effectiveness oriented" propaganda concept, innovate the communication methods, promote the in-depth integration of procuratorial culture, take strong measures and pursue the spirit of perfection to remedy weaknesses and strengths, and promote the quality and efficiency of procuratorial news publicity and cultural work.

The conference will be held in the form of videophone conference. More than 200 people attended the meeting, including the Information Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the press, publicity and cultural departments of provincial procuratorates. At the meeting, the procuratorates in Shanghai, Fujian, Shandong, Xinjiang, Liaoning Benxi and other places exchanged experiences around procuratorial anti epidemic propaganda, telling stories of handling cases, new media matrix construction, cultural brand building, and the cultivation of cultural talents for procuratorial news propaganda.