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[Data disclosure] From January to March 2020, the main case handling data of the provincial procuratorial organs will be released
Time: May 12, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


Today, the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province officially released the major case handling data of the provincial procuratorial organs in the first quarter of 2020. This is the first time that the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province publicly released the major case handling data of the provincial procuratorial organs on a quarterly basis. In the future, the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province will publish the major case handling data of the procuratorial organs to the society on a quarterly basis.

Since 2019, the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province has strengthened the management and analysis of the procuratorial business data, and formed the quarterly analysis report of the procuratorial business data of the procuratorial organs of the province, which has become an important hand for the party group of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province to dispatch the various business work of the procuratorial organs of the province. The main case handling data will be disclosed quarterly to dynamically show the operation trend of the provincial procuratorial business, which will provide a reference basis for the provincial procuratorial organs to make scientific decisions, and also provide a basic platform for the people to understand the procuratorial work.


From January to March 2020, the main case handling data of the provincial procuratorial organs will be released


From January to March 2020, the procuratorial organs of the whole province will resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches on epidemic prevention and control, fully implement the spirit of the political and legal work conference of the central and provincial committees and the national attorney general conference, overcome the adverse effects of the COVID-19 epidemic, fully perform the legal supervision function, and comprehensively promote the coordinated and full development of the "four major procurators" and the "ten major businesses", We will actively contribute procuratorial forces to accelerate the construction of the five major modern developments in beautiful Anhui. Now the main case handling data are announced as follows:

1、 Main case handling data of criminal prosecution

(1) Review of arrest and prosecution

Provincial procuratorial organs approved and decided to arrest 4008 people, 1086 people were not approved or decided to arrest, with a non arrest rate of 21.3%.

Jointly decide to sue 9603 people, the prosecution rate is 91.1%; 940 people were not prosecuted, with a non prosecution rate of 8.9%. Among them, 8253 people were concluded under the leniency system of pleading guilty, accounting for 78.2% of the total number of cases reviewed and prosecuted in the same period.

Decide to arrest a duty crime 78 people, and 147 people were decided to sue.

Approve arrest of property infringement crime 1411 people, including 711 for theft, 556 for fraud, 57 for extortion and 38 for robbery. It was decided to prosecute 2066 people, including 915 for theft, 859 for fraud, 146 for extortion and 51 for robbery.

Approve the arrest of crimes against social management order 1410 people, including 318 people for the crime of provocation, 244 people for the crime of opening a casino, and 140 people for the crime of affray. It was decided to prosecute 3158 people, including 688 people for the crime of provocation, 595 people for the crime of opening a casino, and 284 people for the crime of affray.

Approve the arrest of crimes that violate citizens' personal rights and democratic rights 513 people, including 160 for intentional injury, 154 for rape, 58 for illegal detention and 42 for intentional homicide. It was decided to prosecute 934 people, including 461 for intentional injury, 175 for rape, 127 for illegal detention and 37 for intentional homicide.

Approve the arrest of crimes against public security 205 people, including 164 traffic accident crimes. It was decided to prosecute 2314 people, including 1708 for dangerous driving and 528 for traffic accident.

Approving and deciding to arrest crimes committed by means of telecommunications networks 539 people, including 332 people who committed fraud. It decided to prosecute 670 people, including 450 for fraud.

(2) Handling of criminal cases hindering the prevention and control of COVID-19

The procuratorial organs of the whole province intervene in the investigation in advance of the crime of hindering the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic 159, approved and decided to arrest 80 people, and decided to prosecute 98 people. The court has handed down 58 guilty sentences for 61 people, with a guilty verdict rate of 100%.

The above cases involve 13 counts. It was decided that the prosecution cases were mainly the crime of obstructing public service, the crime of fraud and the crime of illegal hunting, and the number of prosecutions was 40, 34 and 12 respectively.

(3) Criminal prosecution

The provincial procuratorial organ "Commutation, parole, temporary execution outside prison" improperly proposed to correct 227 people in writing, and 234 people have been corrected in the same period (including the savings of the previous period). Seventy seven cases of violations of criminal law enforcement activities have been corrected in writing, and 66 cases have been corrected in the same period. 95 people proposed to correct the illegal execution activities outside prison in writing, and 79 people have been corrected in the same period. 59 cases of improper performance of property punishment were corrected in writing, and 31 cases have been corrected in the same period. 152 people reviewed the necessity of custody and put on file, 137 people proposed to change the compulsory measures or release after trial, and 120 people were adopted by the relevant authorities during the same period.

four Handling of cases of duty crimes committed by judicial personnel

The procuratorial organs of the whole province have jointly filed cases to investigate the relevant duty crimes committed by judicial staff 12 people, and 5 people were transferred for review and prosecution after investigation.

2、 Main case handling data of civil procuratorial work

(1) Supervision over effective civil judgments, rulings and mediation statements

Accepted by the provincial procuratorial organs case 649, and 631 were audited at the same time. 119 protests were filed, 36 cases were concluded by the courts in the same period, and 18 cases were changed after retrial, mediation, remand for retrial, reconciliation and withdrawal, accounting for 50% of the number of protest cases concluded by the courts. 91 retrial procuratorial suggestions were put forward and 14 were adopted by the court at the same time.

(2) Supervision over civil trial activities

Accepted by the provincial procuratorial organs case 125, and 86 were audited at the same time. 78 procuratorial suggestions were put forward and 69 were adopted by the court in the same period.

(3) Supervision over civil enforcement activities

The procuratorial organs of the whole province accept cases in total 207, 132 of which were audited at the same time. 104 procuratorial suggestions were put forward and 54 were adopted by the court in the same period.

(4) Supervision of civil false litigation

The provincial procuratorial organs protested against the effective civil judgment and mediation statement, involving false litigation 86 pieces. Five false lawsuits were involved in the procuratorial suggestions for civil trial activities. One false lawsuit was involved in the procuratorial proposal for civil enforcement activities.

3、 Main case handling data of administrative procuratorial work

(1) Supervision over effective administrative judgments, rulings and mediation statements

Accepted by the provincial procuratorial organs case 78, and 69 were audited in the same period. Put forward one protest and one suggestion for retrial.

(2) Supervision over administrative trial activities

The procuratorial organs of the whole province accept cases in total 5, and 4 were audited at the same time. Three procuratorial suggestions were put forward, and the court adopted three at the same time.

(3) Supervision over administrative implementation activities

The procuratorial organs of the whole province accept cases in total 41, 28 of which were audited at the same time. 26 procuratorial suggestions were put forward, and 31 were adopted by the court in the same period (including the accumulated funds of the previous period).

4、 Main case handling data of public interest litigation

(1) Acceptance and filing

The procuratorial organs of the whole province have accepted the clues of cases 843 pieces. 481 cases were filed, including 133 civil cases and 348 administrative cases.

(2) Pre litigation procedure

The provincial procuratorial organs carried out pre litigation procedures 356, including 94 civil public welfare pre litigation procedures and 262 administrative public welfare pre litigation procedures.

From the perspective of the fields involved in the pre litigation procedural cases, the fields of ecological environment and resource protection 186, accounting for 52.2%; Followed by 77 in the field of food and drug safety, accounting for 21.6%; 16 in the field of state-owned property protection, accounting for 4.5%; 2 state-owned land use right transfer fields, accounting for 0.6%; 75 in other fields, accounting for 21.1%.

(3) Litigation and judgment

Provincial procuratorial organs have filed public interest litigation 28, including 25 criminal incidental civil public interest litigation and 3 other civil public interest litigation. The court made 27 judgments in the first instance and supported 26 judgments.

5、 Major case handling data of minors' procuratorial work

(1) Review of arrests

The provincial procuratorial organs have approved the arrest of minors and crimes against minors 297 people, not 100 people. Among them, 94 juvenile suspects were approved for arrest, Not catch 60 people, with a non capture rate of 39%.

(2) Review of prosecution

The provincial procuratorial organs have decided to prosecute minors for crimes and crimes against minors 396, 57 not prosecuted. Among them, 161 criminal suspects decided to prosecute and 47 did not prosecute, with a non prosecution rate of 22.6%.

Decide to prosecute for sexual assault on minors 104 people.

(3) Implementation of relevant special systems

The procuratorial organs of the whole province have taken the initiative to carry out social investigation 37 times, entrusted judicial administrative organs and social organizations to carry out 53 social surveys, carried out one case of judicial assistance involving minors, and visited the rule of law education base once.

6、 Main case handling data of prosecution for complaint

The provincial procuratorial organs have accepted all kinds of reports, complaints and appeals And other petition cases 1342 pieces. Nine applications for criminal compensation were accepted, and upon examination, six were decided to be compensated. 13 cases of national judicial assistance were accepted, 12 cases were filed for assistance, and 41 people were actually rescued.

7、 Key work case handling data

(1) Work of the special campaign against crime

Approve and decide on arrest Crimes committed by mafia 121 people, 678 people decided to sue. It was decided to arrest 3 people under the umbrella of the evil forces and prosecute 12 people.

(2) Work condition of three major challenges of service

The provincial procuratorial organ approves the arrest of crimes endangering financial security 110 people, 353 people decided to sue. For the crimes involving "routine loans", "campus loans" and "illegal collection of private loans", the arrest of three people was approved, and 86 people were prosecuted.

Crime involving poverty alleviation funds And other crimes affecting poverty alleviation work 1 person, decided to sue 20 people.

yes 22 poverty alleviation objects carried out judicial assistance , relief fund 282000 yuan.

Crimes against environmental and resource protection Approve arrest 54, 471 decided to sue

Initiate civil public interest litigation in the field of ecological environment and resource protection 21 pieces.

(3) Service guarantee of non-public economy

The provincial procuratorial organ approves the arrest of criminal crimes that affect the development of non-public economy 33 people, 129 people decided to sue. There were 3 protests against the effective civil judgments and 3 suggestions for retrial.

Approving and arresting the personnel of enterprises and institutions of non-state-owned companies 171 people, 56 people were not arrested, with a non arrest rate of 24.7%, 3.4 percentage points higher than the overall non arrest rate of criminal offences. 624 people were prosecuted and 116 people were not prosecuted, with a non prosecution rate of 15.7%, 6.8 percentage points higher than the overall non prosecution rate of criminal offences.

(4) Cases handled by the leaders of the enrollment hospital

The leaders of the procuratorial organs in the province handle cases in total 2494 pieces. The types of business that account for a relatively high number of cases are: public prosecution business, criminal execution procuratorial business, investigation and supervision business, public interest litigation, and civil bank business.

(5) Attendance of the Procurator General at the meetings of the Judicial Committee of the People's Court

The chief procurator of the provincial procuratorial organ and the deputy chief procurator entrusted by the chief procurator attend the meeting of the judicial committee of the people's court as nonvoting delegates 62 person times. Among them, the chief procurator attended 36 people as nonvoting delegates, and the deputy chief procurators entrusted by the chief procurator attended 26 people as nonvoting delegates.