Grass roots hospital construction
Brand Exhibition | Lu'an Huoshan: Play the Harmony of Juvenile Protection with Love as the String
Time: August 31, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In the hinterland of the towering Dabie Mountains and on the shore of the rippling Piyang Lake, there is an inspection team that is politically firm, professionally proficient and motivated. The Procuratorate of Huoshan County started to build the brand of "seedling protection and rule of law propaganda group" in 2012 to provide increasingly comprehensive judicial protection for the healthy growth of minors. It has won many national brands such as the National Advanced Unit of Law Popularization and Education for Teenagers, the National Youth Civilization Number for three consecutive sessions, and the National Youth Rights Defense Post.

   Diversified legal popularization, Construction of prevention and protection system for minors  

The Procuratorate of Huoshan County, with young police officers as the main body, established the "Propaganda Group for Protecting the Miao People and the Rule of Law". The group visited 16 towns and villages in the county in two years, carried out 90 legal lectures, and more than 24000 students were educated.

In order to explore a long-term mechanism to strengthen the joint construction of the procuratorate and the university, seven hospital leaders, 11 prosecutors and non procuratorial police officers of the hospital were successively employed as vice principals of the rule of law of 18 schools. We have successively set up "youth rights protection bases" in four middle schools, including Wenfeng Middle School and Dahuaping Central School, set up a juvenile care base in Huoshan Vocational School, and set up a rule of law education base in Huoshan Middle School, successfully opening a standardized, integrated, two-way interactive new model of juvenile law popularization.

Huoshan County Procuratorate launched the activity of "Simulated Court on Campus" to guide students to play different roles in litigation, such as judge, prosecutor, defender, etc., realizing zero distance between law popularization and law learning. At the same time, according to the characteristics of minors, we compiled a comic book for popularizing law and made a panel for popularizing law. Every year, on the eve of Children's Day, the hospital invites representatives of municipal and county people's congresses to go to towns, schools, or procuratorial organs to carry out procuratorial open day activities with minors as the theme for many times, so as to widely gather social forces and discuss law popularization among minors.

Following the current situation of epidemic prevention and control, the Procuratorate of Huoshan County has launched an online rule of law class called "Unchecked Cloud Classroom", which focuses on the theme of self-protection of minors, and publicizes the law by telling specific cases, legal provisions, and simulated scenarios. As soon as the "Unchecked Cloud Classroom" was launched, the school pushed it to students and parents through the class WeChat group, and won unanimous praise from teachers, students and parents.

   Implement the "No.1 procuratorial recommendation", Weave a protection net for minor victims  

Since 2019, Li Houdong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Procuratorate of Huoshan County, has taken the initiative to investigate the implementation of the "No. 1 Procuratorial Recommendation" in the county education bureau and relevant schools, and carried out field visits and research from aspects of campus safety management and preventive infringement system, faculty management, dormitory management, etc.

In order to better protect and rescue minors who have been sexually assaulted, and prevent improper questioning from causing secondary injury to minor victims, the hospital and the public security organ jointly signed the Several Provisions on Establishing a "one-stop" evidence collection mechanism for sexually assaulted minors (for trial implementation), promoting further standardization and institutionalization of certification, questioning and other work.

   Give priority to the protection of help and education, and let the law and the net be affectionate to minors involved in crimes  

The core of the work of non procuratorial work is minors. It is how to help minors involved in crimes get out of the predicament and move towards the future. In April 2018, the procurator of Huoshan County People's Procuratorate, in handling a case of minor affray, for the sake of saving is more important than punishment, applied conditional non prosecution to the minor who is not the primary element, signed a watching, helping and teaching agreement with the school and parents, listened to the children's learning and living reports regularly every month, and communicated Educate in the heart. One of the non indictees was admitted to the university in the 2019 college entrance examination, opening a new way of life.

It takes ten years for trees to grow and a hundred years for people to grow. Minors are just like budding seedlings, which need our careful care. The "Seedling Protection and Law Education Group" will continue to explore, never forget the original intention, give the best love to children, and play the most beautiful prosecutorial harmony of minors' protection.