Procuratorial culture
The People's Procuratorate of Huaishang District, Bengbu City carried out the activity of "culture, science and technology, and health to the countryside"
Time: January 29, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Bengbu City Huaishang District People's Procuratorate "Culture

Science, technology and health to the countryside ”Activities

On January 28, 2019, the activity of "culture, science and technology, and health to the countryside" in Huaishang District, Bengbu City kicked off in front of Taipinggang New Era Civilized Practice Square in Huaishang District, and the procuratorial police took the initiative to deliver legal knowledge to the people.
By setting up an information desk, distributing publicity materials and other forms, the police of the hospital explained the policies, laws, regulations and work results of anti mafia to the people in detail, informed the people of the relevant reporting methods, made public the reporting telephone numbers, and fully called on the people to actively expose and report the "village tyrants", "township tyrants", clan evil forces and other evil forces. Prosecutors also actively introduced the legal basis, supervision scope and work process of public interest litigation cases handled by procuratorial organs to the public, and the publicity activities focused on the areas where public interest litigation cases frequently occur, such as ecological environment protection, transfer of state-owned land use rights, etc.
It is understood that the police of the hospital distributed more than 100 copies of legal brochures and received more than 10 people's legal advice. The "Three Visits to the Countryside" activity not only expanded the public's awareness of the functions of the procuratorial organ, but also broadened the channels for the public to express their demands reasonably, and achieved good social and legal effects.