Procuratorial culture
Hefei Shushan: From a typewriter to "Smart Shujian"
Time: June 15, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

[Original title: From a typewriter to "Smart Shujian"

——Entering the Procuratorate of Shushan District, Hefei, Anhui Province]


   The picture shows that in April 1994, the procuratorate of Xishi District (now Shushan District) set up Shushan Procuratorate Office, and Jia Chengji (first from the right, retired), the then chief procurator of the procuratorate, presided over the founding meeting.  

   Hospital tips  

   ● Restoration and reconstruction time: March 1979  

   ● Current Procurator General: Wan Shan (6th)  

   ● Number of police officers: 46 police officers are on the payroll, including 34 with graduate degrees  

   ● Highest honor: Civilized reception room of national procuratorial organs  

"One room, two tables, three people, we started from scratch..." The 88 year old Yuan Yongde told reporters about the past of a typewriter.

In the early days of the founding of the hospital, the typewriter was a "luxury". The procuratorate does not have its own typewriter, and all documents and materials have to be printed in the printing room of the district government. Take time to queue up and not say, and the content of the case cannot be kept confidential, which may also affect the limitation of action.

"I was worried when I saw that everyone was worried about printing, which affected office efficiency. But the procuratorate did not have independent financial rights, and the district could not provide us with a typewriter alone. You know, other agencies were also eagerly waiting for configuration." Old Yuan was still not happy when recalling the dilemma at that time.

"Just as it happened, when the leaders of the Provincial People's Procuratorate came to our court for inspection, I took the opportunity to pour out my bitterness. Guess what? The leaders of the Provincial People's Procuratorate gave 800 yuan to buy a typewriter on the spot." Old Yuan patted his thigh and said happily to the reporter, "With his typewriter, everyone's office efficiency is different!"

Yuan Yongde was the first Procurator General of Shushan District Procuratorate of Hefei City, Anhui Province (formerly the Procuratorate of Xishi District) after the restoration and reconstruction in March 1979.

It is through the continuous efforts of successive procurators, the current Shushan District Procuratorate has entered the era of intelligent office and case handling. Since 2015, taking the opportunity of judicial reform pilot, the hospital has explored the application of artificial intelligence in judicial case handling, comprehensively promoted the application of four major systems, namely "remote trial, intelligent voice, procuratorial voice input method, and intelligent conference", and formed a unique "intelligent Sichuan inspection".

Qu Linzhi, 54 years old, is the chief of the investigation and supervision section of the Shushan District Procuratorate. Qu Zhizhi has worked here for 33 years. In his impression, the hospital has gone through three transformations of digitalization, networking and intellectualization, especially in the past 10 years.

In 2007, Qu Linzhi, on behalf of Anhui Province, participated in the first National Prosecutorial Investigation and Supervision Competition. "At that time, the organizing committee required that 10 points could be added for using computers to make documents and display them, but I had never used computers to run a business before."

In order to get these 10 points, 10 days before the competition, he made a surprise study. Because Mandarin was not standard, he often made mistakes in typing with Pinyin, so he kept a Xinhua dictionary at hand. If there was any uncertain pronunciation, he opened the dictionary to query. Learning through application and using through learning, Qu Linzhi has become an expert in handling cases with intelligent voice systems from "Xiaobai" who could not use computers to work at the beginning. When the reporter interviewed him, he had just finished the intelligent voice input of the case and was doing simple proofreading and adjustment.

Qu Linzhi also applied the intelligent evidence system to the investigation and arrest of litigation cases. "The evidence display of the intelligent evidence system is very intuitive, which is convenient for prosecutors to analyze cases and make accurate judgments. It can effectively standardize the review process and ensure fairness and transparency." Mao Xuenong, member of the CPPCC Shushan District Committee, commented.

Embrace science and technology with the attitude of thinking and change, and apply science and technology to the practice of handling cases. The most obvious effect is to improve the efficiency of handling cases.

Li Weihua, the deputy chief of the Public Prosecution Section, has the best experience of the effectiveness of "smart Sichuan inspection". After the separation of complex and simple cases, in 2017, she and the assistant prosecutor formed the simple group of "light cases and quick handling", which handled 426 cases in a year, and the quality of each case was very high.

In Li Weihua's case handling system, the reporter saw that the case handling situation was closely recorded. During the working day, at most 8 cases were accepted, while the fastest cases were handled in only two days.

Intelligent voice system and remote examination system are the magic weapon of Li Weihua's efficient case handling. Pick up the microphone on the desk, say the content, the text can jump out and enter, and the auxiliary intelligent error correction system can also find errors in time. This can save more time than her typing bytes one by one. "With the help of the remote interrogation system, we can now interrogate several suspects a day. The time we used to spend on the road can now be used to make files, which greatly improves the rate of closing cases," said Li Weihua.

During the May Day holiday this year, the Shushan District Procuratorate invited the old chief procurator to visit the court. "Modern intelligent procuratorial equipment can be seen everywhere, and prosecutors can handle it through remote interrogation without going to the detention center in person, which is amazing!" Yuan Yongde sighed with emotion.

The leap from a typewriter to "smart Sichuan inspection" is just a mark of the social leap development in the procuratorial work.


Source: Procuratorial Daily Wu Yihuo Single Pigeon Yellow River