Procuratorial style
Poverty Alleviation | Wang Zuwang: The "post-90s" on the road to poverty alleviation
Time: June 29, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
 [Poverty alleviation] Wang Zuwang: "post-90s" on the road to poverty alleviation

"When will the two newly purchased calves be sold last year?" "How much is the rape income this year?", The familiarity with various rural affairs makes people feel that he is a "post-90s" from the county government.

"Over the past two years, I have learned a lot of new things in the countryside. I need to know about farming and breeding, and there is less jargon in crop planting. I think only when I am familiar with all the production and customs in the countryside and communicate with poor households can I be accepted." Wang Zuwang said frankly, "Two years ago, the Party Group of the People's Court decided to let me, on behalf of the Procuratorate, appoint special commissioners for poverty alleviation in Zhaoguai Village, Sidu Village, Loudian Village and Qiaoxi Village of Wudian Town. At that time, I still had the idea that I had no experience in rural work, so I could not take this important task. But I also thought that since the organization trusted me so much, I should act like I am!"

 [Poverty alleviation] Wang Zuwang: "post-90s" on the road to poverty alleviation

At the beginning of his term of office, Wang Zuwang went deep into each village and group to help 62 poor families. Through village cadres' introduction, household visits, and checking one file of information for each family, he found out the "bottom number" of all poor families in just one month. Then, he carefully studied the poverty alleviation plan formulated by each family, initially drew up his own revision plan according to the actual situation of the family, and then walked into the fields and into the homes of the masses. Everywhere he went, he would patiently ask: "Poverty alleviation should be based on the situation of his family and local conditions in order to achieve results as soon as possible, and I think your family can do so." "What are your ideas and goals this year? If you have difficulties, you can talk to me and find ways together." While revising some poverty alleviation plans for poor households, he combined policy support and capital investment, We will take measures to help poor households expand their income channels.

Zhang Zuojin, who lost his wife in his early years and is nearly 70 years old, has been living with his divorced daughter who suffers from chronic diseases for many years. Her daughter can't do heavy work. Her grandson, who is in primary school, has to support herself. His crop income can only barely make a living. The burden of life has made him sad and sigh all day long. The whole family has endured, and he has become a poor household.

"Hard work is better than hard work!" After learning about the situation of old man Zhang, Wang Zuwang and he planned how to find a way to earn money. "Don't you have the skill of making broomsticks? Let's think about it." "But many people in the village can do this. Who can sell the broomsticks to?" "Don't worry about it. The market is on me." Since then, Wang Zuwang contacted two grocery stores in the county, and the broom made by Zhang Laohan has gradually become a best seller for the shopkeeper. Then, Wang Zuwang helped all the family members of Zhang Laohan to apply for a minimum living allowance, helped his daughter to apply for a chronic disease certificate, and put photovoltaic power generation on his bungalow to increase income. At the end of 2018, Zhang Laohan officially lifted out of poverty with honor. When talking about the experience of poverty alleviation, he would always say: "Don't sit at home and wait for government relief. As long as you are willing to find the right way, you will have a good life. Xiao Wang has always encouraged me. He is so young that he thinks more carefully than anyone else. This is not true. Many families in our village have doubled their income according to the way he pointed out."

 [Poverty alleviation] Wang Zuwang: "post-90s" on the road to poverty alleviation

During the severe epidemic, the sweet potatoes harvested by the poor families in the village could not be sold. Wang Zuwang immediately contacted a factory to purchase them and mobilized everyone to make sweet potatoes into fans for sale. "The sweet potato sales of poor households are urgent, please help the police!" In the WeChat working group of the county procuratorate, Wang Zuwang put out a sales advertisement. When you weigh 10 kg and I weigh 20 kg, the amount of "purchase money" from the police went into the pockets of the poor households, which solved their urgent needs and warmed their hearts. Later, the WeChat working group of the unit broke the rule of prohibiting commodity sales, and authorized Wang Zuwang to sell "advertisements" for products of poor households: "hand-made fans, long and tenacious, can't be boiled for a long time", "pure natural dried gourd, good for cooking meat and vegetables", "ecological agriculture, healthy chili peppers"... gradually made police welcome.

When talking about the way to help the poor, Wang Zuwang's eyes sparkled and his words flowed. However, when asked about his family, his face suddenly showed guilt: "The wedding that was planned to be held after the Spring Festival this year was postponed because of the epidemic in order not to add chaos to the society, and he felt very sorry for his wife. He has been helping the poor for more than two years, and has been too busy to take care of his family, and he has lost a lot of weight. His parents are worried about this. However, they are all reasonable people. Even though they love their son, they still support my poverty alleviation work. "

 [Poverty alleviation] Wang Zuwang: "post-90s" on the road to poverty alleviation

Since we have chosen to pay, we must let our youth bloom with brilliant colors. At present, 62 poor families assisted by the hospital have all achieved the goal of poverty alleviation. The masses have lifted themselves out of poverty, but the work of poverty alleviation has not ended. For Wang Zuwang, it has become his new "small goal" to prevent poor households from returning to poverty and continue to help them become rich.

Over the past two years, Wang Zuwang has taken root and settled down to work hard for poor households in terms of industry, employment, education, social security, etc. "The countryside is a vast world, where there can be great achievements." This "post-90s" young man has always used this sentence to encourage himself, shoulder responsibility, shoulder the burden, and leave a strong mark on the way out of poverty with enthusiasm and solid action.