Procuratorial style
Sun Xiaolong: A touch of "procuratorial blue" on the snow covered plateau
Time: April 20, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
 [Typical figure] Sun Xiaolong: a touch of "procuratorial blue" on the snow covered plateau

In May 2019, Sun Xiaolong took the initiative to sign up and set foot on the snowy plateau to the Shannan People's Procuratorate of the Tibet Autonomous Region for seven months of Tibetan aid work. Sun Xiaolong, a Tibetan aid cadre of the People's Procuratorate of Wuhu City, who had just stepped on the snow covered plateau, was intimidated by the plateau response caused by the cold, oxygen deficient and dry climate. In the face of the difficulties brought about by the harsh natural environment, he did not retreat, but actively integrated into the local area. Through research and visits, law enforcement and case handling, and teaching and training, he excellently completed various Tibetan aid work.

   "The mission of aiding Tibet is glorious and the responsibility is great."  

At the moment when he decided to go to Tibet, Sun Xiaolong made up his mind to do something for Tibet, not to disappoint Fanghua and "Procuratorial Blue"!

   Pay attention to the actual effect of handling cases and turn them into iron cases

According to the unified arrangement of Shannan Municipal People's Procuratorate, he was assigned to the People's Procuratorate to accuse the Complaint Office.

 [Typical figure] Sun Xiaolong: a touch of "procuratorial blue" on the snow covered plateau

Handling criminal appeal cases is one of the important functions of the prosecution and application department. Criminal appeal cases have their own particularity. When handling cases of appeal against the decision of the procuratorial organ, Sun Xiaolong paid special attention to the effectiveness of handling cases, and paid attention to improving the social effect of handling cases by means of communication, coordination, persuasion and education.

 [Typical figure] Sun Xiaolong: a touch of "procuratorial blue" on the snow covered plateau

Shortly after his arrival in Tibet, Sun Xiaolong undertook the case of the complainant, Company H, who refused to accept the doubt and did not sue. The complainant, Company H, believed that his employee, Mr. Zhang, embezzled more than 3.6 million yuan of the company's drug promotion expenses, and demanded that Mr. Zhang be held criminally responsible. Sun Xiaolong read and reviewed all the files, successively asked the original case undertaker and both parties to investigate and understand the relevant situation of the case in detail, and after accurately grasping the nature of the case, he shifted the focus of the case to facilitating the reconciliation of the parties. He also actively explained and reasoned with the parties to the case on the identification of relevant evidence and specific application of law, and guided the parties to resolve disputes from the perspective of civil litigation.

In the end, the parties reached a settlement agreement on the involved economic disputes under the auspices of the Control and Application Division, and the complainant H Company applied to withdraw the appeal. The case also entered the "Ten Major Procuratorial and Supervision Cases" online voting of the Tibet Autonomous Region in 2019.

Devote all efforts to judicial assistance to convey judicial warmth

Criminal injury is merciless, but the law is warm. In 2019, Shannan Municipal Procuratorate found that after the murder of the victim Renmou, her two daughters could not continue their study and life.

 [Typical figure] Sun Xiaolong: a touch of "procuratorial blue" on the snow covered plateau

Through field visits, Sun Xiaolong fully understood the situation and believed that the conditions for criminal victim assistance were met. He immediately informed the parties of their right to apply for assistance and the application materials needed to be provided, reported the relevant situation to the relevant departments in a timely manner, and went to the financial department several times to coordinate the implementation of the relevant judicial assistance funds.

 [Typical figure] Sun Xiaolong: a touch of "procuratorial blue" on the snow covered plateau

Soon, 90000 yuan of judicial aid went to the applicant, which was also the largest case since Shannan Municipal Procuratorate carried out the national judicial aid work. In order to strengthen the effect of national judicial assistance, Sun Xiaolong paid a return visit to the case in a timely manner. During the return visit, he inquired about the study, living conditions and existing difficulties of the rescued people in detail, and reflected the special situation of the applicant to the local poverty relief department, taking the initiative to do a good job in the connection and linkage between judicial assistance and social assistance.

   "Reach out to help in times of difficulty, and offer warmth to overcome difficulties"  

After the case is settled, the rescue applicant sends a banner and a thank-you letter. The successful handling of the case has also been recognized by all sectors of society. After the case was publicized in the Shannan Municipal Procuratorate "two micro end", the number of clicks reached thousands of people.

Now, Sun Xiaolong has finished the work of aiding Tibet and returned to Wuhu. However, he was deeply touched by the seven months of Tibetan aid work. "Every day is worth remembering and cherishing."

 [Typical figure] Sun Xiaolong: a touch of "procuratorial blue" on the snow covered plateau

Sun Xiaolong told reporters that this trip was said to be a aid to Tibet, but it was also a aid! During this time, what he felt most deeply was the selfless dedication of Shannan procuratorial police and the friendliness and simplicity of Tibetan compatriots. He would devote himself to his work with insight and continue to serve as a good link for communication between Tibet and Anhui.

 [Typical figure] Sun Xiaolong: a touch of "procuratorial blue" on the snow covered plateau

   Wuhu Daily April 16, 2020