Procuratorial style
[Procurator in action] Chu Zhaopeng: Be a responsible post 90s clerk
Time: March 18, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   On a snowy night and on a quiet mountain road, a man struggled to move stumps and reinforce the signs at the intersection. The rainproof shed around him was blown down by the strong wind... "It doesn't matter if the shed collapses, the signs can't fall down!" This is a true portrayal of Chu Zhaopeng, secretary of the Qianshan People's Procuratorate, in the front line of epidemic prevention.  

   In the face of the sudden epidemic, Chu Zhaopeng, who had just finished nine months of work at the Anqing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection case handling site years ago, signed up for the war at the first time. He voluntarily gave up the opportunity to reunite with his parents, wife and children during the Spring Festival holiday and sank to Fangchong Village, Chashui Town, which is more remote. In the following more than a month, he lived in the village and fought day and night against the wind and snow.  

   Fangchong Village is a remote mountain village in Qianshan City, more than an hour's drive from the urban area. The courtyard is busy with cars. Chu Zhaopeng drives himself into the mountain along the rugged road. He carried out household prevention and control propaganda, discouraged various gathering activities, stuck to the epidemic prevention and control checkpoint, and closely checked the vehicles and personnel entering the village. He never relaxed with the village cadres. He took root in the mountains for more than 20 days and nights, and never left his post one day.  

   The mountain climate is very cold, and heavy snow leads to slippery and muddy roads. It is common to step on several pairs of shoes wet for half a day, and to freeze your hands red and hard; The outdoor checkpoint is ventilated on all sides, and it is normal for the cold wind with snow to cut into the neck like a knife from time to time. Chu Zhaopeng has no time to care about these things. He just keeps busy at the intersection, registering information for passers-by, checking body temperature, and disinfecting vehicles along the way, without any slack.  

   "How many joint defense households do you have? Are there any joint defense households that have recently returned from other places? Is there a place nearby that is easy to push and chat?" At first, a few joint defense chiefs in Chu Zhaopeng's village could not remember their own responsibilities, so he resolved the responsibilities into a series of questions. When he saw the joint defense chiefs asking one by one, it could not only help them get familiar with their current work, but also accurately obtain information about "anti gathering". In this way, the joint defense chiefs were taken as mobile checkpoints by him.  

   While keeping busy at the epidemic prevention front line, as the editor of the "two micro and one end" new media of Qianshan Procuratorate, Chu Zhaopeng has to work overtime under the night light to prepare the press release of the day after the end of the epidemic prevention work in the daytime. In his words, although he is not yet a member of the Communist Party of China, he always demands himself as a qualified party member. It is precisely because of his courage and hard work in the special period that Chu Zhaopeng has received full recognition from the superior procuratorate and the local party committee organization department. His deeds have also been reported by the procuratorial daily, xinhuanet,, and other media at or above the provincial level.