Procuratorial style
Results of the 2019 "Top Ten Legal Figures" Selection Activity in Anhui Province
Time: March 10, 2020 Author: News source: Provincial Leading Group Office for Publicity and Education of Rule of Law [Font size: large | in | Small

   The Leading Group Office for the Publicity and Education of the Rule of Law in Anhui Province, the Provincial Department of Justice, and Anhui Radio and Television Station carried out the selection activity of "the power of justice and the rule of law in the Yangtze and Huaihe River" in Anhui Province in 2019, and the final selection results are as follows. Among them, 10 individuals (groups) including the prosecutor group of Wuhu Jinghu District Procuratorate in handling the series of cases of trans provincial dumping of solid waste from the Yangtze River to pollute the environment were selected as the "Top Ten People under the Rule of Law" in Anhui Province in 2019, and 10 individuals (groups) including Zhao Yangfan, assistant prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of Anqing Procuratorate, won the nomination award of "Top Ten People under the Rule of Law" in Anhui Province in 2019.  

   Ten legal figures:  

   1. The prosecutor group of Wuhu Jinghu District Procuratorate handling the series of cases of environmental pollution caused by trans provincial dumping of solid wastes from the Yangtze River  

   2. Guo Zhiyuan: Executive Vice President of Graduate School of Anhui University, Dean of Law School  

   3. Zhang Jie: Special Police of Bengbu Public Security Bureau  

   4. Jin Yunhai: Leader of the Third Squadron of Fenghuangshan Brigade of Nanhu Compulsory Isolation Drug Treatment Center  

   5. Chen Yang: Director of Hefei Legal Aid Center  

   6. Shen Zhendong: retired cadre, now a member of Suzhou Youth Crime Prevention Research Association  

   7. Zheng Wenqing: ex serviceman, gold medal mediator of the "old lady's uncle" mediation committee in Bagongshan District, Huainan City  

   8. Zhang Fangchun: Director of Anhui Lexing Law Firm  

   9. Zhu Sufang: Deputy Director of Huangshan District Gantang Judicial Office, Director of the Town Community Correction Workstation, and Chief Dispatcher of the Dispatching Committee  

   10. Tang Mingcui: full-time member of the trial committee of Lai'an County People's Court, chief judge of the executive court, and first level judge  



   1. Wuhu Jinghu District Procuratorate handled a series of cases of environmental pollution caused by trans provincial dumping of solid waste along the Yangtze River  

   150000 word review report, 13000 word indictment, 22 person special case team, more than 70 day and night hard work, facing pressure and challenges, successfully handling a series of trans provincial environmental pollution cases, thundering attack, far-reaching significance. Responding to the people's demands, responding to national policies, and escorting green waters and green mountains, they set a typical benchmark for the procuratorial organs to fight against pollution.  

   2. Guo Zhiyuan: Executive Vice President of Graduate School of Anhui University, Dean of Law School  

   Adhering to the original intention and taking root in the classroom, he founded the first doctoral authorization point of procedural law in our province; Concentrate on scientific research, track academic frontiers, adopt interdisciplinary research, and launch a large number of research results. To strengthen cooperation and break down barriers, he explored a model of coordinated legal talent training. He has the courage to innovate and educate people through culture. He has contributed his youth and wisdom to the rule of law in Anhui and the construction of socialist rule of law.  



   3. Zhang Jie: Special Police of Bengbu Public Security Bureau  

   Concerned about the people, he volunteered. His police camp career successfully handled many urgent, dangerous and serious police situations; Taking orders at a critical moment and sacrificing his life, he stopped the crazy behavior of the mob with his flesh and blood and avoided major casualties. After 21 operations, he returned to his job. He polished the police badge with iron and blood, and practiced the purpose of "people's public security for the people".  



   4. Jin Yunhai: Leader of the Third Squadron of Fenghuangshan Brigade of Nanhu Compulsory Isolation Drug Treatment Center  

   He has faithfully performed his duties. For 28 years, he has stuck to the front line of drug rehabilitation in remote mountainous areas; With great love, he and AIDS drug addicts face to face, hand in hand; Do not discriminate, do not give up, the truth for the heart, he reignited the lights of life for the incomplete soul. Without slacking off, complaining, respecting the profession and maintaining enthusiasm, he makes ordinary posts shine with sacred colors. He is a policeman and a good man in China.  



   5. Chen Yang: Director of Hefei Legal Aid Center  

   With great love and due diligence, he takes the legal aid cause as his mission, bringing warmth and hope to the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled; Shouldering morality and justice, safeguarding rights according to law, he seeks justice and fairness for migrant workers; Forge ahead, take the lead in implementing the "point assistance system", and create a new model of legal aid; He shows the responsibility and spirit of the Party and the government to put people first.  



   6. Shen Zhendong: retired cadre, now a member of Suzhou Youth Crime Prevention Research Association  

   Concerned about the future of the motherland and the education of law popularization among young people, he proposed to establish a research society for the prevention of juvenile delinquency; Compiling teaching materials, holding lectures, receiving legal advice, distributing publicity materials, popularizing law and safeguarding rights have become his daily life. He is an old hero with lofty aspirations. He is nearly 90 years old and runs around the streets. He wants to let the light of law shine on every child's heart.  



   7. Zheng Wenqing: ex serviceman, gold medal mediator of the "old lady's uncle" mediation committee in Bagongshan District, Huainan City  

   He is a retired soldier as well as a disabled soldier. He was the former director of Shanwang Police Station and a "national mediation expert". Suffering from a variety of diseases, in more than 10 years of mediation work, the "old uncle" team led by him resolved nearly 600 disputes of all kinds, including more than 50 major letters and visits, which became the cornerstone of social harmony and stability. Be grateful, never forget the original intention, drag the sick and disabled body, walk through the streets, wade into ditches, cross the ridges of fields, and work hard to mediate civil disputes and resolve neighborhood conflicts. He is a simple and stubborn old man of ancient times who retires without rest and is willing to suffer losses. He is praised by the masses as a "fool". His body shines with a kind and great personality charm.  



   8. Zhang Fangchun: Director of Anhui Lexing Law Firm  

   She is a skilled lawyer. She starts from small things, spreads legal knowledge, promotes the spirit of rule of law, and improves the image of lawyers in the public; She is a kind-hearted mother, who sends motherly care to juvenile prisoners and melts ice and snow with love; She is a public spirited person who has been caring for the society for ten years, helping the needy and helping the needy. She uses practical actions to explain the integration of good and law, so that love can be transmitted longer and farther.  



   9. Zhu Sufang: Deputy Director of Huangshan District Gantang Judicial Office, Director of the Town Community Correction Workstation, and Chief Dispatcher of the Dispatching Committee  

   She is diligent and proficient in business. She is good at mediating all kinds of contradictions and disputes, and the performance rate of the people's mediation agreement reaches 100%; Meticulously, she arranged help and education, and made the returned prodigal son become a golden entrepreneurial talent; Warm hearted, community correction, she let the misguided soul wither; She expressed her loyalty in the most ordinary position, and wrote a harmonious movement of social stability with her wisdom and personality, true feelings and sweat.  



   10. Tang Mingcui: full-time member of the trial committee of Lai'an County People's Court, chief judge of the executive court, and first level judge  

   She has been working at the front line of law for nearly 30 years and has always been civilized in law enforcement and sunny in execution. With a calm attitude and skilled professional ability, she has solved the dilemma of difficult implementation. She is conscientious and conscientious. In the face of the visitors, she uses her unique self-restraint and patient and meticulous explanation to make the parties return satisfied. The balance in front of her chest, the responsibility on her shoulder, and the banner and medal on one side are the best proof of her "serving the people and satisfying them".  



   Nominated Award Person  




   Xu Xueguang  

   Retired cadre, head of Funan County Law Popularization Mission, director of Funan County Road Traffic Accident People's Mediation Committee  


   Liu Yuan  

   Head of Community Correction Management Unit, Dangtu County Justice Bureau, Ma'anshan City  


   Huang Zhi  

   Principal of Anqing Tianjiabing Middle School (No. 10 Middle School)  


   Li Miao  

   Chief of Planning and Regulation Section of Ma'anshan Agricultural and Rural Bureau  


   Zhao Yangfan  

   Assistant Procurator of the First Procuratorial Department of Anqing People's Procuratorate  


   Anhui Provincial Legal Advisory Group for Workers' Rights Protection  


   Wang Jinli  

   Deputy Chief Judge of Juvenile Case Tribunal of Baohe District People's Court of Hefei City  


   Sun Xiaoting  

   Deputy Leader of Legal Affairs Detachment of Fuyang Public Security Bureau  


   Xu Jiaxing  

   Instructor of Guichi Branch of Chizhou Forest Public Security Bureau  


   Zhang Wenbo  

   Member of the Party Committee of Muji Prison District and political instructor of the 39th Prison District of Baihu Prison Branch