Procuratorial style
[Inspection in action] Party members and policemen of the Provincial Procuratorate sink into the first line of community epidemic prevention
Time: February 28, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   At the beginning of the spring of 2020, the epidemic of COVID-19 spread rapidly, and the next "war" without smoke of gunpowder started. "Home isolation", "Please put on a mask", "Keep a distance"... Every day, such warm tips constantly appear around people. In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic and encourage self isolation, it is urgent and important to restrict residents' travel to a certain extent. two On October 21, the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province actively responded to the call of the Party and the government and quickly organized the party members and policemen to sink into the corresponding community. More than 60 party members and policemen of the organ responded to the call and rushed to the front line of epidemic prevention.  

   Fighting against "epidemic" reflects procuratorial responsibility  

   After receiving the Notice on Seriously Doing a Good Job of Party and Government Organ Members Entering Communities to Assist in Prevention and Control Work from the Working Committee of Anhui Provincial Organs, the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Procuratorate and Procurator General Xue Jiangwu attached great importance to the implementation of epidemic prevention and control work in communities where Party members and police officers sink, and asked all Party branches of the Provincial Procuratorate to improve their political standing, We should take the fight against the epidemic as the "main battlefield" to fulfill our original mission, and answer the "examination paper of the times" given to Anhui by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee.  

   The Party Committee of the Provincial Procuratorate contacted Hefei Hongsifang Community in a timely manner to understand the relevant situation and specific needs of the community. At the same time, according to the situation and needs of the community, we quickly formulated the "Work Plan of the Provincial Procuratorate for Party Members Entering the Community to Carry out Prevention and Control", organized party members and police officers to play the role of the battle fortress of the party branch and the vanguard model of party members while doing their own prevention and control work, and assisted the community to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control.  

   Actively invite Party members to compete bravely  

   The provincial procuratorate has more than 100 party members and police officers actively responded to the call of the party organization, and party leaders and cadres took the lead in registering. According to the needs of the community's personnel, the Party Committee of the provincial procuratorate finally selected 62 party members and policemen to be divided into two groups. They took turns to work in the contemporary MOMA community and Yunshuiju community, and were responsible for registering information, measuring temperature, and promoting prevention and control knowledge for the residents in the community. The Party Committee of the Provincial People's Procuratorate made considerate arrangements. Each shift was led by an old party member and a young party member. The new and old party members formed a group of determined anti epidemic assault teams.  

   Every day, they carefully wear the Party emblem, go to work on time, and do not slack off in every epidemic prevention inspection. Old and new Party members have learned a lot from each other with their earnest attitude and meticulous spirit, as well as young Party members' energetic and courageous work enthusiasm. It is a vivid party lesson that example is more important than words.  

   Offer advice and love to protect residents  

   "We deeply felt the hard work of community workers during the epidemic prevention period. At the same time, we also found the importance of popularizing the law and using it when cooperating with community workers on duty, which can reduce the friction between residents and community workers to a certain extent," said Yin Di, from the Party Committee of the Party organ of the provincial procuratorate.  

   For the epidemic prevention work, Anhui Province has issued a series of rules for the management of residential quarters. Most residents actively responded to the call of "less going out", "less gathering" and "less visiting", while a few residents did not understand this and had disputes with community staff and community managers. On duty, some policemen found that some residents did not know how to handle the travel certificate, so they patiently explained to them that Hefei citizens could download the "Wanshitong" APP. After filling in the necessary personal health data, they obtained green travel codes, which not only facilitated the travel of the masses, but also reduced the burden of social workers, and at the same time clarified the legal responsibility.  

   Warm blood to fight against "epidemic" and fulfill the original mission  

   It is understood that in order to better help the community fight against the epidemic, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate donated 20000 yuan to purchase masks, alcohol and other disinfection supplies, and helped solve two temperature guns. At the same time, the provincial procuratorate actively responded to the call, and more than 60 party members and policemen signed up to participate in the free blood donation activity to fight against COVID-19. Comrade Zhu Nanbin, a cadre at the deputy department level of the provincial procuratorate and a converted soldier, is the oldest party member among the blood donation policemen.  

   Life is more important than Mount Tai. Epidemics are orders, and prevention and control are responsibilities. In the "battlefield" of winning the battle of epidemic prevention, control and resistance, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate focuses on both epidemic prevention and case handling. While doing its job well, it actively devotes itself to the front line of combating "epidemic", strives to practice the original mission of the Communist Party members with practical actions, and delivers qualified answers to General Secretary Xi Jinping, the Party Central Committee, and the people of the province.