Procuratorial style
The football team of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate won the best team award in this championship
Time: December 11, 2019 Author: News source: Xuancheng Procurator WeChat official account [Font size: large | in | Small

On December 7, the closing ceremony and award ceremony of the 2019 "China Merchants Bank" Cup Football Championship in Anhui Province, sponsored by China Merchants Bank Hefei Branch and undertaken by Anhui Chinese Law Firm and Hefei Zhongbeili Sports Co., Ltd., was successfully held in the football field of Hefei Green Axis Park.

In the course of the game, the players The attitude of "friendship first, competition second" is to enjoy the happiness brought by the football match. All teams have a complete lineup, spread the field with wisdom and sweat, give full play to the best level, fight bravely, and the field is brilliant and exciting. The football championship is held, which not only shows the level of players' sports, but also shows the healthy and progressive atmosphere inside and outside the field.

In this championship, the team of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate and Lujiang Court in Luyang won the best team award.

It is reported that this competition attracted the political and legal system 11 units, 9 teams in total, and more than 100 athletes participated in 36 games, with 171 goals in total. The scale and competitive level of the event were both high.


Anhui Provincial Procuratorate Football Team

Group photo

Anhui Provincial Procuratorate Football Team Won the Best Team Award