Procuratorial style
National Top Ten! Anhui procuratorial new media won another award
Time: July 25, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Today, the sixth award ceremony and seminar for the selection of new media application cases in the political and legal system was held in Beijing. Anhui procuratorial new media has made great achievements again, Provincial Procuratorate won the National Procuratorial System "Top Ten New Media Cases Award", Bengbu Procuratorate won the "Most Influential New Media Award" of the national procuratorial system It is understood that the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has become the only provincial procuratorate to win the prize among the top ten new media cases.

The sixth election activity of new media application cases in the political and legal system was guided by Guangming Daily, the News Propaganda Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the Information Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Information Bureau of the Supreme People's Court, and the Rule of Law Propaganda Center of the Ministry of Justice, and hosted by Guangming. Today's headlines, Qingbo big data, Sina Weibo, and Diaoyin provide data support. After big data analysis and judgment, online voting, and review by the review committee, four systems of national public security, procuratorial, court, and judicial administration were selected There are 10 "Top Ten New Media Case Awards" and 10 "Most Influential New Media Awards" respectively.

At the meeting, leaders of the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, Guangming Daily and other relevant departments addressed the meeting, Representatives of 8 award-winning units made exchange speeches. The seminar also released the 2018 Blue Book on the Application of New Media in the Political and Legal System.

In recent years, the Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate has attached great importance to the construction and application of the network ideological front, constantly consolidating and building a new media platform. At present, it has formed portal websites, microblogs, WeChat, clients, and dithering The "three micro and multi terminal" network new media matrix has won many awards in various national competitions. The construction of the new media matrix of the procuratorial organs in the province has achieved continuous results, the influence of the platform has continued to improve, there are many highlights of the procuratorial new media service, the number of content releases has increased year by year, and the quality has steadily improved, playing an increasingly important role in publicizing procuratorial work, highlighting socialist democracy and the rule of law, serving the people and other aspects


(Top Ten New Media Cases)

(The Most Influential New Media Award)