Procuratorial style
Let growth bask in the sunshine of the rule of law
Time: 2018-05-24 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


   On May 4, the People's Procuratorate of Fengyang County, Anhui Province held a "procuratorial open day" activity with the theme of "Let growth bathe in the sunshine of the rule of law". 83 students of the primary school for workers' children in this county were invited to enter the procuratorial work area for minors of the People's Procuratorate to receive moral education on the rule of law. inquisitor Interact with children. Photographed by Hao Wanting  


   Prosecutors and children play sand table psychological tests together. Photographed by Hao Wanting  


   The prosecutor led the children to read the rule of law e-book. Photographed by Hao Wanting