Procuratorial style
Yongqiao, Suzhou: Lu Xiangjun was selected into the "Chinese Good Man List" in November
Time: 2017-12-04 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On November 30, the Central Civilization Office held an on-site exchange activity between national moral models and good people around in Langfang, Hebei, and solemnly released the "Good People List of China" in November. 108 good people around were honored to be on the list, Lu Xiangjun, a retired cadre of the Procuratorate of Yongqiao District, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, is on the list  




   Lu Xiangjun, the Procuratorate of Yongqiao District, Suzhou, Anhui Province, was selected into the "Chinese Good Man List" in November  

Name: Lu Xiangjun

Region: Yongqiao District, Suzhou City

   Title of deeds  

Husband and wife have kept a nanny for 33 years, and two generations have shared filial piety

   Detailed deeds  

It is not easy to always be kind to your parents, let alone carefully support an old man who has no blood relationship with you. But in Lu Xiangjun's family, there is such a strong kinship: Zhou Yuling is a "stranger" who has been supported by Lu Xiangjun and his wife for 33 years. They take care of the old man as their own mother, and his moving act is the positive energy most needed in today's society.

   Keep your promise for a long time  

In 1984, Lu Xiangjun worked in Lingbi Court, and his wife Ye Zhaofu was working in the Subxian Detachment of the Armed Police. His son was young at that time, only 10 months old.

Zhou Yuling, an old man, used to be a nanny at Lu Xiangjun's parents' home in the 1950s. Later, because her husband died suddenly, the adopted son of the family was unfilial and sold the house. She ignored Zhou Yuling, and soon the adopted son died of illness. Zhou Yuling, an old man who was helpless, was introduced to the canteen of Lingbi County Party Committee as a temporary worker. At the beginning of 1984, the canteen of Lingbi County Party Committee was downsized. Zhou Yuling was 57 years old at that time. She lost her job, had no source of livelihood, was helpless, and was in a dilemma. When Lu Xiangjun's parents learned about Zhou Yuling's situation, they put the old man into their home. Lu Xiangjun and the whole family took care of the old man, temporarily solving her basic life problems. At the end of 1984, Lu Xiangjun was transferred from the People's Court of Lingbi County to the former Suzhou People's Procuratorate. Lu Xiangjun's parents were too old to take care of Zhou Yuling. The old man was a "three no" person at that time. Lu Xiangjun made a major decision, whether to let the old man live alone or to take the old man to his side to continue to take care of him. After discussing with her lover, Lu Xiangjun decided to take the old man to Suzhou to live. She said to Zhou Yuling, "Don't worry, mom, I will take care of you like my daughter, and let you spend your old age in peace!"

   Three generations devoted themselves to great love without words  

After being transferred to the former Suzhou People's Procuratorate, the work was heavy and young children had to be taken care of. In addition to the heavy work pressure, there are financial difficulties, but Lu Xiangjun did not shrink back and resolutely took care of the elderly from his parents. The salary of Lu Xiangjun and his wife is very low. Lu Xiangjun's salary is 40.5 yuan, and her lover Ye Zhaofu's salary is 57.5 yuan. There are four people living in the family. There is also a father-in-law who needs support, so life is quite tight. However, Lu Xiangjun did not forget his original commitment to take care of the elderly and let them spend their old age in peace.

For 33 years, no matter how late she is every day, she has talked with the old man for a while and told him what she saw and heard in the day. If she has time, she will take the old man for a walk. The old man is 91 years old. Lu Xiangjun still cooks and washes her hair, feet, nails, and seeks medical treatment for her every day.

Lu Xiangjun is an ordinary grass-roots prosecutor in the unit. Although she has not done earth shaking things, she always believes that we should be a caring person. Only when everyone gives love, can society be harmonious and peaceful, and people be happy and healthy. His wife, Ye Zhaofu, had been in the army for many years, and later moved to work in the court. He was also an old party member with many years of party age. He was very supportive of Lu Xiangjun's good deeds and treated Zhou Yuling as his own parents.

Lu Xiangjun still clearly remembers that the old man once suffered from acute gastroenteritis, and his wife Ye Zhaofu took care of him carefully. At that time, Lu Xiangjun was out on a business trip. When his wife saw the old man's pain, she was very worried. She didn't want to shout. She just carried the old man from the third floor to the road and took a taxi to the hospital. She treated him in time. After treatment and careful care, the old man recovered quickly and left the hospital.

Lu Xiangjun's son was influenced by his parents when he was young. He also treated Zhou Yuling as his own grandmother. He is sensible and filial. He usually serves tea and water, and takes care of the elderly meticulously. After his son worked, he still kept calling her every other day to ask her about her health, and bought her electronic products to pass the time. The year before last, his grandfather sent him to the United States. When he came back, the suitcase was full of gifts for his grandmother, including beautiful scarves, delicious snacks, expensive health care products, etc., which made the old man smile. In April of this year, he also took care of his grandmother for a month. All colleagues in the unit admire Lu Xiangjun for taking care of the elderly for 33 years. She always said in a low profile: "It is our duty to devote love and help the weak and the needy." Simple words express the lofty spirit of a prosecutor.

   Thirty three years of warming the world  

Lu Xiangjun's deeds of caring for Zhou Yuling for 33 years have also nourished the children's hearts. Li Xin from Class 3 (4) of Suzhou No. 1 Primary School was moved by Lu Xiangjun's story. She wrote a story about a living Lei Feng based on Lu Xiangjun's story to participate in the speech contest and won the first prize.

Love and kindness move and inspire people. Lu Xiangjun's act of love not only moved the children, but also moved the ophthalmologists and nurses in the municipal hospital. In October 2010, Zhou Yuling suffered from cataracts in both eyes. Lu Xiangjun and his wife decided to use the best lens to perform cataract surgery for her. The hospital cost was more than 7000 yuan. During hospitalization, Lu Xiangjun has been taking care of the elderly in the hospital. On the day of the operation, Ye Zhaofu was on a business trip in Hefei. In order to get back in time, he got up at five o'clock in the morning and arrived at the ward before eight o'clock. When it was foggy, the doctor asked him why he came from Hefei in such a hurry. He said, "My mother saw me before the operation, so she would not be nervous during the operation." After knowing the relationship between Ye Zhaofu and Zhou Yuling, the doctors and nurses said that no relatives were better than relatives, He is really a good person around us. In order to solve the old man's worries, Lu Xiangjun and his wife also bought a cemetery for the old man.

With 33 years of meticulous care and 33 years of unrequited dedication, Lu Xiangjun has integrated his faith and commitment into serving the elderly bit by bit, every word and deed. Because of this, Zhou Yuling was able to spend her happy old age in peace. In the deep heart of the old man, he had already regarded Lu Xiangjun as his own daughter. She often said to others with emotion: "This daughter is good. With such a daughter and son-in-law, I really burned Gao Xiang in my previous life! If I don't touch my relatives or care about them, Xiang Jun can take care of me like a daughter. I have nothing to repay her. Let me be her mother in the next life!"

   From China Civilization Network