Party conduct and clean government construction
[Party discipline education] Baihu Procuratorate: formulate 14 measures to strengthen the daily management of organs
Time: May 23, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate sent the White Lake Procuratorate to study and formulate the Implementation Opinions on Further Strengthening the Internal Management of Organs (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Opinions). In view of the weak links in the current management of the organs, we adhere to the problem oriented and effect oriented approach, and form 14 specific work measures to strengthen management and standardize management after fully listening to opinions, sorting out and analyzing. This is not only a practical need to further strengthen the daily management of the organs and thoroughly implement the specific measures required by the habit of living too fast, but also a practical measure to further tighten the overall control of the Party's inspection and discipline, and constantly promote the Party discipline learning and education to go deeper and more practical.

The Implementation Opinions systematically put forward specific countermeasures from the aspects of implementing and improving the attendance system, guard management, official reception, official vehicle management, and regular inspection and supervision of functional departments. The internal management mechanism of working according to the system and managing people by the system has been formed, which has effectively created an orderly, serious and efficient working atmosphere.

The Implementation Opinions stipulates that education, prevention and punishment should be strengthened for violations of disciplines and laws. In case of such situations, they shall be strictly dealt with in accordance with the law and discipline, so as to truly make discipline become a live "high-voltage line". While establishing and improving a standardized and effective internal management system, we should strengthen discipline education for procurators, guide all procurators to learn, know, understand and abide by discipline, effectively enhance their sense of discipline, improve their Party spirit, and strive to forge a loyal, clean and responsible procuratorial army.

The Implementation Opinions clearly put the requirements of tight living into practice in the whole process and all aspects of daily work. From the aspects of strictly implementing the business trip approval system, reasonably setting the air conditioning temperature, promoting paperless office work, and controlling the expenditure of "three official duties" from the source, we should guide all procurators to firmly establish the concept of thrift, develop the habit of thrift, and take strict economy and combating waste as an important part of strengthening the Party spirit and promoting the construction of the work style of the organs, It is integrated into the construction and daily management of the procuratorial team, reflected in the working life and daily behavior of all procurators, and constantly promotes the normalization and long-term effectiveness of the habit of being too tight, and constantly leads the comprehensive strict governance of the party, management of procuratorial work to in-depth.