Party conduct and clean government construction
Huangshan: The theme of "Climbing the Spring Mountain and Protecting the Spring Farming" Party Day in the Countryside
Time: March 28, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

The best thing is spring.

The golden warm sun is shining on the earth, and a beautiful picture of spring ploughing in Huizhou villages is spreading out - Huizhou villages with white walls and black tiles, a sea of yellow and green rape flowers, farmers in the mountain land are engaged in fertilization, film laying and breeding

On March 22, the party members and policemen of Huangshan City and Shexian County Procuratorate jointly went to Tanpei Village, Shexian County to hold the party day themed "Upspring Mountain · Protecting Spring Farming".

Located in Qizili Town, She County, Tanpei Village has a narrow ancient road and steep terrain. The old walls, grey tiles, folk houses, ancestral temples, gatehouses, horse head walls in the village... have created a unique and elegant Hui style brick and wood residential complex in Tanpei. Party members and policemen walked up the Qingshiban Road and listened to the public interest litigation policemen of the Shexian Procuratorate telling about the origin, effect and development of the public interest litigation work of the procuratorial organ for the protection of ancient villages in Tanpei Village, and really felt the practical results of public interest litigation plus digital procuratorial work for the protection of traditional villages. At the end of 2023, the administrative public interest litigation case of protecting Tanpei Village and other traditional Chinese villages carried out by the Procuratorate of Shexian County was selected as the typical public interest litigation case of the highest level inspection of cultural relics and cultural heritage protection.

"People mistook the land for a while, and the land mistook people for a year." It was during the busy season of spring plowing. On the way back from the end of the field visit in Tanpei Village, the policemen who participated in the activity also carried out the rule of law publicity activity of "protecting spring plowing" along the way.

"Auntie, spring ploughing has begun. When we buy seeds and fertilizers, we must go to a regular store to buy them. We must not take advantage of small things..." Police officers walked in the countryside, preached legal knowledge such as the Seed Law of the People's Republic of China to the villagers, distributed publicity materials about agricultural law popularization, and communicated face-to-face with local villagers about purchasing seeds, pesticides The problems that should be paid attention to when using fertilizer and other agricultural materials remind villagers to take up legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests once they suffer losses due to the quality problems of agricultural materials. The police also guided the villagers to collect the pesticide packaging after use in combination with the procuratorial public interest litigation function and not discard it at will, so as to ensure that the field is clean, the ridge is beautiful and the water is clean.

Send the law to the front line of agriculture, and escort "spring ploughing green" with "procuratorial blue" in the vibrant countryside. The procuratorial organ of Huangshan City will continue to play the role of procuratorial function and effectively crack down on agricultural related crimes, while deeply implementing the responsibility system of "who enforces the law, who popularizes the law", send legal services to the field, and protect "China's rice bowl" with practical actions.