Party conduct and clean government construction
Theme Party Day | Reviewing the revolutionary history of the river crossing campaign, continuing the red blood
Time: June 30, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to remember the revolutionary martyrs, feel the red culture and inherit the revolutionary spirit, on the morning of June 28, the party branch of the Procuratorate Security Department of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate went to the former site of the General Front Committee of the Crossing the River Campaign to carry out the party day activity themed "July 1st".

During the activity, all the party members and policemen first visited the Memorial Hall of the former site of the General Front Committee of the Crossing the River Campaign. Through watching cultural relics and listening to explanations, all the staff remembered the revolutionary martyrs, recalled the eventful years, reviewed the revolutionary history of the Crossing the River Campaign, and understood the spirit of the Great Crossing the River Campaign, which was deeply thought baptized.

In the screening hall of the Memorial Hall of the former site of the General Front Committee, all party members and policemen watched the special publicity and education film of the Crossing the River Campaign, reviewed the historical process of the Crossing the River Campaign, deeply understood the grand course of the General Front Committee's strategy in Yaogang, and deeply felt the determination and tenacity of the older generation of revolutionary martyrs to carry out the revolution to the end.

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution..." In the solemn revolutionary holy land, all party members and policemen raised their right hands and solemnly swore in front of the bright red party flag. By reviewing the oath of joining the Party, we will further strengthen the concept of Party spirit, sense of historical mission and sense of social responsibility.

Party members and policemen also visited the former site of the General Front Committee Staff Office and other revolutionary sites. In the face of photos recording great moments, impassioned inscriptions and historical relics imbued with the blood and sweat of our ancestors, all party members and policemen stood in awe, deeply felt the revolutionary martyrs' firm communist belief and their heroic spirit and dedication to the revolutionary cause.

Through this party day activity themed "July 1st", everyone said that, as a procuratorial policeman in the new era, we should further enhance our cultural self-confidence, double cherish the happy life of our ancestors who have fought bravely for today, inherit and carry forward the revolutionary spirit of the older generation of revolutionaries "dare to call the sun and the moon for a new day", and base ourselves on our own work, To contribute to the high-quality development of procuratorial security work!