Party conduct and clean government construction
Theme Education | See Xiao Gang again
Time: June 21, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

▲ Visit the Da Bao Gan Memorial Hall

▲ Tao Fangde gives lectures

In order to promote the deepening and implementation of theme education, Tao Fangde, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, led all police officers of the Party Branch of the Fourth Procuratorate to Xiaogang Village to carry out the theme party day activity of "Remembering the Glorious Journey and Gathering Endeavour" on June 19, when the "July 1" Party Day is coming.

All party members and policemen visited the Dabaogan Memorial Hall and Shen Hao Memorial Hall successively. Party members of the branch have a deeper understanding of the reform and innovation spirit of the 18 farmers in Xiaogang Village, who emancipate their minds, seek truth from facts, dare to think and do, dare to be the first in the world, and the spirit of comrade Shen Hao, who loves the party, cares for the masses, and makes selfless contributions. Comrade Shen Hao was deeply affected by the warm stories of the common people during his lifetime. In front of the Shen Hao Memorial Hall, all party members and police officers, facing the bright red party flag, reviewed their vows to join the Party, never forget their original intentions, and firmly adhere to their ideals and beliefs.

After visiting and studying, Tao Fangde gave a unique party lesson to all party members and police officers under the title of "Adhering to the People First". Based on the history of the Party and focusing on the current situation, the Party lesson explains the importance of "people centered" from the two dimensions of "why we should adhere to the people first" and "how to adhere to the people first".

On "how to adhere to the principle of people first in procuratorial work", Tao Fangde, in combination with his years of procuratorial work experience, talked about four points of experience: Strengthening the Political Consciousness of Procuratorial Organs We will adhere to the systematic study of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and in-depth practice of Xi Jinping's thought of the rule of law and the overall concept of national security, and implement the strengthening of political awareness in all aspects and the whole process of procuratorial work. want Practically correct the judicial concept Adhere to the unity of the "three effects" of handling cases, demonstrate a clear people's position and guidance through handling cases according to law, and resonate with the people's expectations for fairness and justice. want Adhere to active justice We should accurately grasp the requirements of the modernization of procuratorial work in the new era, adhere to the supremacy of the people, and pursue the realm of "as I am suing" in handling cases, in order to achieve the ultimate spirit of "being the best". want Honest, clean and efficient justice , handle cases strictly according to law, pay attention to the people's personal feelings, adhere to fair, honest and efficient justice, and strive to make the people feel fair and just in every judicial case.

Li Yuke, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Chuzhou Procuratorate, and heads of the First Party Branch of Chuzhou Procuratorate and Fengyang County Procuratorate attended the activity.