Party conduct and clean government construction
The Party Branch of the Procuratorate Security Department of the Provincial Procuratorate went to Hefei Prison to carry out integrity warning education and theme party day activities
Time: May 4, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On April 25, the Party Branch of the Procuratorate Security Department of the Provincial Procuratorate and the Qianshuiwan Community Party Committee jointly carried out the integrity warning education and theme party day activities in Hefei Prison.

During the activity, Party members and policemen watched the life, production, study and other places of prisoners in Hefei Prison, and visited the exhibition hall of education and transformation. By listening to the two duty crime prisoners on the spot, I felt their profound analysis of the causes of crimes and their deep remorse, which sounded the alarm bell for every party member on the scene.

After the visit, the party groups of the party branch of the Procuratorate Security Department carried out a warning education exchange for the visit. Everyone agreed that this theme party day activity was a party spirit education and spiritual baptism that reached the hearts of the people, effectively sounded the alarm bell against corruption, and played a very good warning and education role in building the ideological defense line of integrity of party members, cadres and policemen.

Everyone said that in the future work, we should effectively build the ideological defense line, resist all kinds of temptations, often think about the harm of greed, always have the heart of self-discipline, often cultivate the morality of government, abandon greed, continue to focus on key links such as capital management, state-owned assets management, bidding procurement, administrative services and bus management, and carry out in-depth investigation of integrity risks, so as to strictly govern the party Honesty should be implemented from prosecution, actively create a clean and upright political environment, further enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of procuratorial security work, and contribute to the high-quality development of procuratorial work in the new era!