Party conduct and clean government construction
Remembering the Heroes of "One Million Heroes Crossing the River"
Time: April 5, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

▲ Reviewing the oath of joining the Party

▲ Visit the Memorial Hall of the Crossing the River Campaign

On the morning of April 4, the Party Committee and the General Youth League Branch of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, in combination with the deployment of the education conference on the theme of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, organized police officers to the Memorial Hall of the Crossing the River Campaign in Hefei to carry out practical activities with the theme of "learning ideas, strengthening the Party spirit, strengthening the martyrs of Myanmar, and building new achievements", and guided the procuratorial police officers to learn from the spirit of heroism, Firm confidence and forge ahead bravely on the new journey.

Prosecutors In uniform, the policemen raised their right fists in front of the bronze statues of the five former commissioners in the river crossing campaign, reviewed their vows to join the Party and remembered their original mission. In the memorial hall, the procuratorial police listened carefully to the heroic deeds of the revolutionary ancestors, watched the magnificent stone reliefs of millions of heroes crossing the river and the documentary film "Eight Hundred Soldiers Remembering Crossing the River", reviewed the battle scenes of the revolutionary martyrs who braved hardships and bravely moved forward, and expressed deep respect to the revolutionary martyrs who died!

During the visit, the policemen exchanged their experiences and expressed that they would pursue the revolutionary footprint, inherit the red gene, invigorate the spirit, transform the style, improve efficiency, promote the modernization of procuratorial work with practical actions, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a better Anhui.