Party conduct and clean government construction
In Anhui, 100 typical cases of "one branch and one brand" party building work were announced, and 4 prosecutors were elected!
Time: February 16, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the Work Committee of the Organizations Directly under Anhui Province and the Party Construction Research Association of the Organizations Directly under Anhui Province jointly released the Notice on Commending 100 Typical Cases of "One Branch and One Brand" Party Construction in the Province. A total of 400 units in the province reported 586 outstanding cases. After preliminary evaluation and review, 100 outstanding cases of "One Branch and One Brand" were finally comprehensively evaluated.

It is reported that, A total of 4 outstanding cases were elected by the provincial procuratorial organs. In the organs directly under Anhui Province, a total of 37 cases have won awards, among which the brand of "Harmony and Prosperity" of the Party branch of the Propaganda Office of the Provincial Procuratorate ranks among them

One hundred "one branch and one brand" in the province List of excellent cases


1. Party Branch of Propaganda Office of Provincial Procuratorate

Brand: blend and grow together

2. The Second Party Branch of Suzhou Procuratorate

Brand: "Sword" keeps justice

3. The First Party Branch of Bengbu Procuratorate

Brand: "Small saplings" not inspected

4. Wuhu Procuratorate Party Branch

Brand: Wuwei Flower Blossom

The bulletin pointed out that in 2022, the provincial party organizations at all levels actively explored new ideas, new measures, new ways and new methods to strengthen and improve the work of grass-roots party branches under the new situation, made every effort to create a brand for the party building work of branches, promoted the work of grass-roots party branches to be outstanding, and formed a number of typical cases of "one branch, one brand" party building work. The party branch that hopes to be commended should guard against arrogance and rashness, make persistent efforts, and play a leading role as an example. Party organizations at all levels in the province should learn from and strive to be advanced, strive to form a virtuous circle situation of "creating, cultivating and learning excellence" in the party branch construction work, and promote the construction of grass-roots party branches to comprehensively progress, improve and improve.