Party conduct and clean government construction
[Theme Party Day] Nanling, Wuhu: "Case Study on Party Building" - Focusing on the Integration of Party Building and Business
Time: August 25, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
"This case involves the protection of minors. In handling the case, the leading role of party building was fully played, and all business departments made joint efforts to give full play to the advantages of minors' procuratorial integration, highlighting the" three effects " Organic and unified case handling effect... "On the afternoon of August 19, the outdoor heat wave was billowing, and the indoor atmosphere was warm. A theme party day activity centered on the deep integration of party building and business -" case and party building "was carried out in the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County.
In order to thoroughly implement the guidance of the leaders of the superior court on the investigation in Lingnan, further promote the deep integration of party building and business, focus on the integrated political and business construction, implement the "political perspective" into the specific work of procuratorial work, and promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work with double integration. The People's Procuratorate of Nanling County, focusing on political construction and starting from handling cases, carried out the systematic activity of "case description and party building". In the first phase, it selected representative cases with typical significance that have been handled recently. Heads of departments, case handlers and co sponsors focused on high-quality case handling and the unity of "three effects", and talked about experience, perception and inadequacy. Lu Yueping, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Nanling County Procuratorate, participated in the activity.

   Zha Yali, member of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Second Procuratorate of Nanling County Procuratorate  

The second procuratorial department analyzed and judged the case, made in-depth research from the legal theory, human feelings, judicial practice and other aspects, and finally paid attention to communication and reasoning in the process of handling the case, listened to various opinions through public hearings, laying a solid foundation for the successful handling of the case. Prosecutors, as Party cadres, should proceed from the vital interests of the masses, be able to perform their duties in accordance with the law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people. Prosecutors should consciously use Xi Jinping's rule of law thinking to guide procuratorial practice, and truly transform learning achievements into development achievements.

   Ai Lixia, the case handling prosecutor of the First Procuratorate of Nanling County Procuratorate  

This case is handled with the cooperation of the first, second and third procuratorial departments. In the process of handling the case, the first, second and third procuratorial departments explain the law and reason to the victims, punish the suspects, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the victims, achieve the unity of political, social and legal effects, and show the procuratorial responsibility, which is an important manifestation of the implementation of justice for the people as a party member.

The case handling personnel of other departments have exchanged their own feelings on case handling.

   Lu Yueping, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Nanling County Procuratorate  

"The integration of party building and business is the 'must answer' of procuratorial work in the new era, and our 'case study of party building' activity is a good way to explore a solution to the problem..." After listening to everyone's understanding, Lu Yueping stressed that we should really pay attention to the ideology, and the party building and business are "one body and two sides". The party building work is the foundation and premise of all work, and we should resolutely put an end to the idea of valuing business over party building, Focus on integration with systematic thinking, achieve "two hands" and "two hands hard", and empower "four procurators" with high-quality party building. Be careful in your actions. We should firmly adhere to the concept of "seeking perfection", and make the "case theory and party building" practical, well done and refined. We should innovate the form and enrich the carrier, make the activities more "lively" and "deep", and continue to do a good job of "integration". On the basis of "intensive cultivation", we should sum up experience and refine practices in a timely manner, and strive to create the "case based party building" activity as the characteristic party building brand of Nanling Procuratorate.